Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



flagsBitfield (Any of CLICK_HANDLER_*). Relevant flags to control the logic flow of this click handler.
userThe mob this click handler is attached to.


EnterCalled when the click handler becomes the active entry in the mob's click handlers list. Called by PushClickHandler() and RemoveClickHandler().
ExitCalled when the click handler was active in the mob's click handler list and has been replaced by another handler or otherwise removed. Called by PushClickHandler() and RemoveClickHandler().
OnClickCalled on click by /atom/Click() when this is the mob's currently active click handler.
OnDblClickCalled on doubleclick by /atom/DblClick() when this is the mob's currently active click handler.
OnMobLogoutEvent proc for logged_out_event. Called when the mob logs out and this click handler has the CLICK_HANDLER_REMOVE_ON_MOB_LOGOUT flag set.

Var Details


Bitfield (Any of CLICK_HANDLER_*). Relevant flags to control the logic flow of this click handler.

See code\_onclick\ for valid options.


The mob this click handler is attached to.

Proc Details


Called when the click handler becomes the active entry in the mob's click handlers list. Called by PushClickHandler() and RemoveClickHandler().

Has no return value.


Called when the click handler was active in the mob's click handler list and has been replaced by another handler or otherwise removed. Called by PushClickHandler() and RemoveClickHandler().

Has no return value.


Called on click by /atom/Click() when this is the mob's currently active click handler.


Has no return value.


Called on doubleclick by /atom/DblClick() when this is the mob's currently active click handler.


Has no return value.


Event proc for logged_out_event. Called when the mob logs out and this click handler has the CLICK_HANDLER_REMOVE_ON_MOB_LOGOUT flag set.

By default, this removes the click handler from the assigned mob.

Has no return value.