Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



accuracyAccuracy is measured in tiles. +1 accuracy means that everything is effectively one tile closer for the purpose of miss chance, -1 means the opposite. launchers are not supported, at the moment.
accuracy_powerIncrease of to-hit chance per 1 point of accuracy.
aim_targetsList of who you are targeting.
bulkHow unwieldy this weapon for its size, affects accuracy when fired without aiming.
burst_accuracyAllows for different accuracies for each shot in a burst. Applied on top of accuracy.
burst_delayDelay between shots, if firing in bursts.
can_autofireChecks if the gun will continue firing if the mouse button is held down.
combustionWhether it creates hotspot when fired.
fire_delayDelay after shooting before the gun can be used again. Cannot be less than [burst_delay+1].
fire_soundSound this gun makes when firing. Overridden by projectiles with their own sounds.
gun_skillWhat skill governs safe handling of this gun. Basic skill level and higher will also show the safety overlay to the player.
keep_aim1 for "keep shooting until aim is lowered", 0 for "one bullet after target moves and aim is lowered".
last_handledTime when hand gun's in became active, for purposes of aiming bonuses.
last_moved_mobUsed to fire faster at more than one person.
multi_aimUsed to determine if you can target multiple people.
safety_iconOverlay to apply to gun based on safety state, if any.
safety_skillWhat skill level is needed in the gun's skill to completely negate the chance of an accident.
scope_zoomHow far this weapon's scope can see.
scoped_accuracyAccuracy used when zoomed in a scope. Not additive.
screen_shakeThe amount your screen shakes when firing. Shouldn't be greater than 2 unless zoomed.
sel_modeIndex of the currently selected mode.
space_recoilWhether or not this weapon moves the shooter backwards when fired in space.
told_cant_shootSo that it doesn't spam them with the fact they cannot hit them.

Var Details


Accuracy is measured in tiles. +1 accuracy means that everything is effectively one tile closer for the purpose of miss chance, -1 means the opposite. launchers are not supported, at the moment.


Increase of to-hit chance per 1 point of accuracy.


List of who you are targeting.


How unwieldy this weapon for its size, affects accuracy when fired without aiming.


Allows for different accuracies for each shot in a burst. Applied on top of accuracy.


Delay between shots, if firing in bursts.


Checks if the gun will continue firing if the mouse button is held down.


Whether it creates hotspot when fired.


Delay after shooting before the gun can be used again. Cannot be less than [burst_delay+1].


Sound this gun makes when firing. Overridden by projectiles with their own sounds.


What skill governs safe handling of this gun. Basic skill level and higher will also show the safety overlay to the player.


1 for "keep shooting until aim is lowered", 0 for "one bullet after target moves and aim is lowered".


Time when hand gun's in became active, for purposes of aiming bonuses.


Used to fire faster at more than one person.


Used to determine if you can target multiple people.


Overlay to apply to gun based on safety state, if any.


What skill level is needed in the gun's skill to completely negate the chance of an accident.


How far this weapon's scope can see.


Accuracy used when zoomed in a scope. Not additive.


The amount your screen shakes when firing. Shouldn't be greater than 2 unless zoomed.


Index of the currently selected mode.


Whether or not this weapon moves the shooter backwards when fired in space.


So that it doesn't spam them with the fact they cannot hit them.