Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



anchoredBoolean. Whether or not the atom is considered anchored.
atmos_canpassInteger (One of CANPASS_*). Whether air can pass through this atom, and on what conditions. See code\__defines\
blocks_emissiveInteger (One of EMISSIVE_BLOCK_*). Whether this atom blocks emissive overlays, and what method is used for blocking. See code\__defines\
bound_overlayThe mimic (if any) that's directly copying us.
does_spinBoolean. Does the atom spin when thrown (of course it does :P)
em_blockInstance. Internal holder for emissive blocker object, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY. Use blocks_emissive
icon_heightInteger. The icon height this movable expects to have by default.
icon_widthInteger. The icon width this movable expects to have by default.
inertia_dirBitflag (Directional). Direction the atom is currently travelling for space drift. Set by space_drift() and Bump(). Used by momentum_do() and the spacedrift subsystem.
inertia_ignoreInstance. Atom that should be ignored by /mob/get_spacemove_backup(). Updated and used by various movement related procs.
inertia_last_locInstance. The atoms loc value during the last space movement. Set by space_drift() and the spacedrift subsystem.
inertia_move_delayInteger. Number of ticks to add to the current world.time when updating inertia_next_move. Used by Move() and the spacedrift subsystem.
inertia_movingBoolean. Whether or not the atom is currently being moved by space drift inertia. Set by the spacedrift subsystem and checked during Move().
inertia_next_moveInteger. world.time that the next space drift movement should occur. Set by Move() and the spacedrift subsystem. Used by the spacedrift subsystem.
item_stateString (Icon state). Used to specify the item state for the on-mob overlays. Primarily only used in /obj/item/get_icon_state(). Generally, you should only be updating this in on_update_icon().
l_move_timeInteger. The world.time of the last movement. Set during Move().
last_moveBitflag (Directionals). Direction of the last movement. Generally passed to step() as the dir parameter. Set during Move().
movable_flagsBitflag (Any of MOVABLE_FLAG_*). Bitflags for movable atoms. See code\__defines\
move_speedInteger. The atom's current movement speed, calculated as the difference between world.time and l_move_time. Set during Move().
moved_recentlyBoolean. Whether or not this atom has recently (Within the past 50 ticks) been force moved by /obj/item/device/radio/electropack/receive_signal().
movement_handlersList (Instances of /datum/movement) - List of movement handlers attached to this atom.
pulledbyInstance. The mob currently pulling the atom.
stored_chat_textLAZYLIST of /image. Floating text message images being processed by this atom.
throw_rangeInteger. Maximum range, in tiles, this atom can be thrown.
throw_speedInteger. The speed at which the atom moves when thrown. Used when calling throw_at(), and in momentum_power() and momentum_do().
throwingInstance. Current thrown thing datum linked to this atom. Set during throw_at().
virtual_mobVirtual Mob Creation
waterproofBoolean. Whether or not the atom is affected by being submerged in water. If set to FALSE, water_act() is called when in contact with fluids.
z_flagsIf TRUE, this atom is ignored by Z-Mimic.


AddMovementHandlerCreates a new movement handler instance and attaches it to this atom's movement_handlers list.
CheckDexterityWhether or not user is capable of using this atom based on dexterity. Usually this equates to "Are you a human or silicon mob?"
HasMovementHandlerChecks if the provided movement handler path exists in this atom's movement_handlers list. Ignores subtypes, must be an exact match.
Process_SpacemoveWhether or not the atom is able to start drifting. Includes various relevant checks such as gravity, anchored, whether the atom's movement is already being controlled by something else, etc.
airlock_can_crushWhether or not the atom can be crushed and damaged by a closing airlock.
airlock_crushHandles being crushed by a closing airlock. Has no return value.
get_bullet_impact_effect_typeDetermines the type of bullet impact effect this atom should use when hit.
get_massThe effective mass of this atom.
momentum_doHandled momentum logic when impacted by another atom. Typically this means sending this atom flying.
momentum_powerCalculates the amount of momentum force this atom receives when impacted by another atom.
post_movementSpecial handler for post-movement logic. Called by turf/Entered() if this atom has the MOVABLE_FLAG_POSTMOVEMENT flag set.
shuttle_land_onHandler for shuttles landing on atoms. Called by shuttle_moved().
space_driftInitializes space drifting for the atom and adds it to the spacedrift subsystem.
throw_atThrows the atom at a given target.
throw_impactHandles impacting an atom.
touch_map_edgeHandler for when this atom touches the edge of a map or z-level.
update_emissive_blockerUpdates the atom's emissive blocker image and assigns it to em_block. If no image is generated, em_block is left as it was.
update_nearby_tilesConvenience function for atoms to update turfs they occupy

Var Details


Boolean. Whether or not the atom is considered anchored.


Integer (One of CANPASS_*). Whether air can pass through this atom, and on what conditions. See code\__defines\


Integer (One of EMISSIVE_BLOCK_*). Whether this atom blocks emissive overlays, and what method is used for blocking. See code\__defines\


The mimic (if any) that's directly copying us.


Boolean. Does the atom spin when thrown (of course it does :P)


Instance. Internal holder for emissive blocker object, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY. Use blocks_emissive


Integer. The icon height this movable expects to have by default.


Integer. The icon width this movable expects to have by default.


Bitflag (Directional). Direction the atom is currently travelling for space drift. Set by space_drift() and Bump(). Used by momentum_do() and the spacedrift subsystem.


Instance. Atom that should be ignored by /mob/get_spacemove_backup(). Updated and used by various movement related procs.


Instance. The atoms loc value during the last space movement. Set by space_drift() and the spacedrift subsystem.


Integer. Number of ticks to add to the current world.time when updating inertia_next_move. Used by Move() and the spacedrift subsystem.


Boolean. Whether or not the atom is currently being moved by space drift inertia. Set by the spacedrift subsystem and checked during Move().


Integer. world.time that the next space drift movement should occur. Set by Move() and the spacedrift subsystem. Used by the spacedrift subsystem.


String (Icon state). Used to specify the item state for the on-mob overlays. Primarily only used in /obj/item/get_icon_state(). Generally, you should only be updating this in on_update_icon().


Integer. The world.time of the last movement. Set during Move().


Bitflag (Directionals). Direction of the last movement. Generally passed to step() as the dir parameter. Set during Move().


Bitflag (Any of MOVABLE_FLAG_*). Bitflags for movable atoms. See code\__defines\


Integer. The atom's current movement speed, calculated as the difference between world.time and l_move_time. Set during Move().


Boolean. Whether or not this atom has recently (Within the past 50 ticks) been force moved by /obj/item/device/radio/electropack/receive_signal().


List (Instances of /datum/movement) - List of movement handlers attached to this atom.

Do not modify or reference directly. See the various procs defined in code\datums\movement\


Instance. The mob currently pulling the atom.


LAZYLIST of /image. Floating text message images being processed by this atom.


Integer. Maximum range, in tiles, this atom can be thrown.


Integer. The speed at which the atom moves when thrown. Used when calling throw_at(), and in momentum_power() and momentum_do().


Instance. Current thrown thing datum linked to this atom. Set during throw_at().


Virtual Mob Creation


Boolean. Whether or not the atom is affected by being submerged in water. If set to FALSE, water_act() is called when in contact with fluids.


If TRUE, this atom is ignored by Z-Mimic.

Proc Details


Creates a new movement handler instance and attaches it to this atom's movement_handlers list.


Returns instance of /datum/movement_handler - The created movement handler.


Whether or not user is capable of using this atom based on dexterity. Usually this equates to "Are you a human or silicon mob?"


Returns boolean.


Checks if the provided movement handler path exists in this atom's movement_handlers list. Ignores subtypes, must be an exact match.


Returns boolean.


Whether or not the atom is able to start drifting. Includes various relevant checks such as gravity, anchored, whether the atom's movement is already being controlled by something else, etc.


Returns boolean. Whether or not space drifting should be blocked/stopped.


Whether or not the atom can be crushed and damaged by a closing airlock.


Handles being crushed by a closing airlock. Has no return value.


Determines the type of bullet impact effect this atom should use when hit.


Returns string (One of BULLET_IMPACT_*).


The effective mass of this atom.

Called by /atom/movable/proc/momentum_power() as part of the hitby() chain.

Returns positive float.


Handled momentum logic when impacted by another atom. Typically this means sending this atom flying.

Called by process_momentum as part of the hitby chain.


Has no return value.


Calculates the amount of momentum force this atom receives when impacted by another atom.

Called by process_momentum as part of the hitby chain.


Returns float.


Special handler for post-movement logic. Called by turf/Entered() if this atom has the MOVABLE_FLAG_POSTMOVEMENT flag set.


Has no return value.


Handler for shuttles landing on atoms. Called by shuttle_moved().


Initializes space drifting for the atom and adds it to the spacedrift subsystem.


Returns boolean. If TRUE, the atom is now drifting. If FALSE, the atom was blocked from drifting.


Throws the atom at a given target.

Initializes a /datum/thrownthing handling this atom and adds it to SSthrowing.


Returns boolean.


Handles impacting an atom.

Called by /datum/thrownthing/proc/finalize().


Has no return value.


Handler for when this atom touches the edge of a map or z-level.

Generally, this handles transitioning to a new z-level if there's a valid connection.

Has no return value.


Updates the atom's emissive blocker image and assigns it to em_block. If no image is generated, em_block is left as it was.

What this does exactly depends on the value of blocks_emissive.

Returns /mutable_appearance. The value of em_block.


Convenience function for atoms to update turfs they occupy