/hook/global_init | Global init hook.
Called in global_init.dm when the server is initialized. |
/hook/startup | Startup hook.
Called in world.dm when the server starts. |
/hook/game_ready | Game Ready hook.
Called in master.dm once initialization is complete. |
/hook/roundstart | Roundstart hook.
Called in ticker.dm when a round starts. |
/hook/roundend | Roundend hook.
Called in ticker.dm when a round ends. |
/hook/shutdown | Shutdown hook.
Called in world.dm when world/Del is called. |
/hook/death | Death hook.
Called in death.dm when someone dies.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/human, var/gibbed |
/hook/clone | Cloning hook.
Called in cloning.dm when someone is brought back by the wonders of modern science.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/human |
/hook/debrain | Debrained hook.
Called in brain_item.dm when someone gets debrained.
Parameters: var/obj/item/organ/internal/brain |
/hook/borgify | Borged hook.
Called in robot_parts.dm when someone gets turned into a cyborg.
Parameters: var/mob/living/silicon/robot |
/hook/harvest_podman | Podman hook.
Called in podmen.dm when someone is brought back as a Diona.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/alien/diona |
/hook/revoke_payroll | Payroll revoked hook.
Called in Accounts_DB.dm when someone's payroll is stolen at the Accounts terminal.
Parameters: var/datum/money_account |
/hook/change_account_status | Account suspension hook.
Called in Accounts_DB.dm when someone's account is suspended or unsuspended at the Accounts terminal.
Parameters: var/datum/money_account |
/hook/reassign_employee | Employee reassignment hook.
Called in card.dm when someone's card is reassigned at the HoP's desk.
Parameters: var/obj/item/card/id |
/hook/terminate_employee | Employee terminated hook.
Called in card.dm when someone's card is terminated at the HoP's desk.
Parameters: var/obj/item/card/id |
/hook/sell_crate | Crate sold hook.
Called in supplyshuttle.dm when a crate is sold on the shuttle.
Parameters: var/obj/structure/closet/crate/sold, var/area/shuttle |
/hook/sell_anomalycage | Anomaly cage sold hook.
Called in supplyshuttle.dm when a anomaly container is sold on the shuttle.
Parameters: var/obj/machinery/anomaly_container/sold, var/area/shuttle |
/hook/sell_animal | Animal sold hook.
Called in supplyshuttle.dm when a anomaly container is sold on the shuttle.
Parameters: var/obj/structure/stasis_cage/sold, var/area/shuttle |