Space Station 13 - Modules - Types


/var/DEG_TO_RAD Multiplier for converting degrees to radians, rounded to 10 places
/var/RAD_TO_DEG Multiplier for converting radians to degrees, rounded to 10 places
/var/PI The mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
/var/TWO_PI Twice the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
/var/HALF_PI Half the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
/proc/isfinite True if number is a number that is not nan or an infinity.
/proc/poly_interp2 Sample t(0..1) into a quadratic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker.
/proc/poly_interp3 Sample t(0..1) into a cubic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp2.
/proc/poly_interp4 Sample t(0..1) into a quartic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp3.
/proc/get_circle_coordinates Get the coordinates that make up a circle of radius on center, packed as (x | y left shift 12). These coordinates are able to be outside the world: check (v < 1 || v > world.maxV) for safety. Implements the Bresenham Circle Drawing Algorithm for the actual point picking.