Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



PRY_FLAG_AI_CONTROL_ONLYThis AI can only perform special unlocking if the AI control wire is intact.
PRY_FLAG_CAN_HACKThis AI can 'hack' open working doors.
PRY_FLAG_UNBOLTThis AI can unbolt doors.
autopilotIf true, the AI won't be deactivated if a client gets attached to the AI's mob.
busyIf true, the ticker will skip processing this mob until this is false. Good for if you need the mob to stay still (e.g. delayed attacking). If you need the mob to be inactive for an extended period of time, consider sleeping the AI instead.
call_distanceHow far away calls for help will go for.
cooperativeIf true, asks allies to help when fighting something.
faction_friendsList of all mobs inside the faction with ai_holders that have cooperate on, to call for help without using range(). Note that this is only used for sending calls out. Receiving calls doesn't care about this list, only if the mob is in the faction.
holderThe mob this datum is going to control.
holder_required_typeThe required mob type of the holder.
intelligence_levelAdjust to make the AI be intentionally dumber, or make it more robust (e.g. dodging grenades).
next_received_help_requesttime when the mob can receive a help request from another mob
next_sent_help_requesttime when this mob is allowed to call for help
process_flagsWhere we're processing, see flag defines.
pry_flagsBitflag (Any of src.PRY_FLAG_*). Bitflags used for configuring what and how this AI can pry. Not used if holder.can_pry is FALSE.
snapshotA list used in mass-editing of AI datums, holding a snapshot of the 'before' state
stanceDetermines if the mob should be doing a specific thing, e.g. attacking, following, standing around, etc.


add_attackerWe were attacked by this thing recently
can_see_targetCheck if target is visible to us.
check_attackerChecks to see if an atom attacked us lately
find_targetStep 2, filter down possible targets to things we actually care about.
forget_everythingResets a lot of 'memory' vars.
get_pathA* now, try to a path to a target
give_targetStep 4, give us our selected target.
go_sleepMakes this ai holder not get processed. Called automatically when the host mob is killed. Potential future optimization would be to sleep AIs which mobs that are far away from in-round players.
go_wakeReverses the go_sleep() proc. Revived mobs will wake their AI if they have one.
handle_special_strategicalOverride this for special things without polluting the main handle_strategicals() loop.
handle_special_tacticOverride this for special things without polluting the main handle_tactics() loop.
handle_stance_strategicalThis is called every two seconds.
handle_stance_tacticalThis is called every half a second.
handle_strategicals'Strategical' processes that are more expensive on the CPU and so don't get run as often as the above proc, such as A* pathfinding or robust targeting.
handle_tactics'Tactical' processes such as moving a step, meleeing an enemy, firing a projectile, and other fairly cheap actions that need to happen quickly.
handle_wander_movementWanders randomly in cardinal directions.
help_requestedWhat allies receive when someone else is calling for help.
list_targetsStep 1, find out what we can see.
lose_target'Soft' loss of target. They may still exist, we still have some info about them maybe.
lose_target_positionResets the last known position to null.
move_onceTake one step along a path
on_attackedSets a few vars so mobs that threaten will react faster to an attacker or someone who attacked them before.
pick_targetStep 3, pick among the possible, attackable targets.
react_to_attackResponds to a hostile action against its mob.
receive_tauntCauses targeting to prefer targeting the taunter if possible. This generally occurs if more than one option is within striking distance, including the taunter. Otherwise the default filter will prefer the closest target.
remove_attackerForgive this attacker
remove_target'Hard' loss of target. Clean things up and return to idle.
request_helpRequests help in combat from other mobs possessing ai_holders.
set_busy_delaySet the AI as 'busy' for a specific length of time.
set_stanceFor setting the stance WITHOUT processing it
target_filter_closestReturns the closest target and anything tied with it for distance
target_filter_distanceTargets closer to us than the current one.
track_target_positionUpdates the last known position of the target.
walk_pathWalk towards whatever.

Var Details


This AI can only perform special unlocking if the AI control wire is intact.


This AI can 'hack' open working doors.


This AI can unbolt doors.


If true, the AI won't be deactivated if a client gets attached to the AI's mob.


If true, the ticker will skip processing this mob until this is false. Good for if you need the mob to stay still (e.g. delayed attacking). If you need the mob to be inactive for an extended period of time, consider sleeping the AI instead.


How far away calls for help will go for.


If true, asks allies to help when fighting something.


List of all mobs inside the faction with ai_holders that have cooperate on, to call for help without using range(). Note that this is only used for sending calls out. Receiving calls doesn't care about this list, only if the mob is in the faction.


The mob this datum is going to control.


The required mob type of the holder.


Adjust to make the AI be intentionally dumber, or make it more robust (e.g. dodging grenades).


time when the mob can receive a help request from another mob


time when this mob is allowed to call for help


Where we're processing, see flag defines.


Bitflag (Any of src.PRY_FLAG_*). Bitflags used for configuring what and how this AI can pry. Not used if holder.can_pry is FALSE.


A list used in mass-editing of AI datums, holding a snapshot of the 'before' state


Determines if the mob should be doing a specific thing, e.g. attacking, following, standing around, etc.

Proc Details


We were attacked by this thing recently


Check if target is visible to us.


Checks to see if an atom attacked us lately


Step 2, filter down possible targets to things we actually care about.


Resets a lot of 'memory' vars.


A* now, try to a path to a target


Step 4, give us our selected target.


Makes this ai holder not get processed. Called automatically when the host mob is killed. Potential future optimization would be to sleep AIs which mobs that are far away from in-round players.


Reverses the go_sleep() proc. Revived mobs will wake their AI if they have one.


Override this for special things without polluting the main handle_strategicals() loop.


Override this for special things without polluting the main handle_tactics() loop.


This is called every two seconds.


This is called every half a second.


'Strategical' processes that are more expensive on the CPU and so don't get run as often as the above proc, such as A* pathfinding or robust targeting.


'Tactical' processes such as moving a step, meleeing an enemy, firing a projectile, and other fairly cheap actions that need to happen quickly.


Wanders randomly in cardinal directions.


What allies receive when someone else is calling for help.


Step 1, find out what we can see.


'Soft' loss of target. They may still exist, we still have some info about them maybe.


Resets the last known position to null.


Take one step along a path


Sets a few vars so mobs that threaten will react faster to an attacker or someone who attacked them before.


Step 3, pick among the possible, attackable targets.


Responds to a hostile action against its mob.


Causes targeting to prefer targeting the taunter if possible. This generally occurs if more than one option is within striking distance, including the taunter. Otherwise the default filter will prefer the closest target.


Forgive this attacker


'Hard' loss of target. Clean things up and return to idle.


Requests help in combat from other mobs possessing ai_holders.


Set the AI as 'busy' for a specific length of time.


For setting the stance WITHOUT processing it


Returns the closest target and anything tied with it for distance


Targets closer to us than the current one.


Updates the last known position of the target.


Walk towards whatever.