Vars | |
active_program | A currently active program running on the computer. |
menu_icon | Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen. |
network_tag | Cached NTNet network tag for outgoing connections to avoid checking entire proxy chain every time |
ntnet_status | Cached NTNet status for outgoing connections to avoid checking entire proxy chain every time |
on | Whether the computer is turned on |
processing_size | The processing size being used by all programs. |
receives_updates | Pain and suffering. Sometimes computers are made to update, and you just have to sit through or risk damage by rebooting it |
running_programs | All programs currently running, background or active, including small programs. |
screen_icon_file | dmi where the screen overlays are kept, defaults to holder's icon if unset |
Procs | |
activate_program | Make a program the currently active one if it is running. Returns the program on success, otherwise null. |
add_log | Adds an entry to the NTNet log with this computer's identity, if the computer has a connection. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE. |
check_eye | Used by camera monitor program |
clone_file | Attempts to copy the specified file. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
copy_between_disks | Attempts to copy the specified file to another disk. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
create_data_file | Attempts to create Data file. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
create_file | Attempts to save a file object. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
delete_file | Attempts to remove the specified file. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE. |
emagged | Returns TRUE if the system is emagged, otherwise FALSE. Overriden by device subtypes. |
extension_act | Handles user's GUI input |
get_all_files | Return a list of all files, leaving out hidden files by default. |
get_file | Attempt to get the specified file. Returns null on failure. |
get_header_data | Function used by NanoUI's to obtain data for header. All relevant entries begin with "PC_" |
get_network_tag | Returns the network tag visible for the outgoing connections this computer makes. Value is cached until computer next runs Process() or is shut down. |
get_network_tag_incoming | Returns the network tag that other computers trying to reach it would see. |
get_ntnet_capability | Returns TRUE if the connection supports a specific capability, otherwise FALSE |
get_ntnet_speed | Returns the current network speed in GQ/s for the specified connection quality |
get_ntnet_status | Returns the connection quality to NTNet for this computer when making outgoing connections. Value is cached until computer next runs Process() or is shut down. |
get_ntnet_status_incoming | Returns the connection quality to NTNet for this computer for others trying to reach it. |
get_power_usage | Overriden in device subtypes and used to display in configurator program. |
get_program_capacity | Returns the number number of programs this system can run at the same time. |
host_status | Returns the status of the physical device the system is running on. Overridden by device subtypes. |
kill_program | Attempts to kill a program. Assumes that usr is directly accessing the device. |
kill_program_remote | Attempts to kill a program. |
minimize_program | Minimize the currently active program. |
move_file | Attempts to move or copy the specified file, potentially between disks, and renaming it in the process if necessary |
rename_file | Attempts to rename the specified file. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE. |
run_program | Attempts to start the named program in the foreground. Assumes that usr is directly accessing the device. Returns the program on success, otherwise null. |
run_program_remote | Attempts to start the named program in the background. Returns the program on success, otherwise null. |
save_data_file | Attempts to save Data file, creating it if necessary. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
save_file | Attempts to save a file object, replacing existing one with the same name if present. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
set_autorun | Set a filename name that the system should attempt to run as a program when it boots up. Returns the autorun file on success, otherwise null. |
system_boot | Handles all setup when the system is booted up. |
system_shutdown | Handles all cleanup when the system is shut down. |
try_create_file | Check if the file can be created. Returns TRUE if so, otherwise FALSE. |
ui_interact | Operates NanoUI |
update_data_file | Adds date to a Data file, creating it if necessary. Enforces file type. Returns file on success, otherwise null. |
Var Details
A currently active program running on the computer.
Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen.
Cached NTNet network tag for outgoing connections to avoid checking entire proxy chain every time
Cached NTNet status for outgoing connections to avoid checking entire proxy chain every time
Whether the computer is turned on
The processing size being used by all programs.
Pain and suffering. Sometimes computers are made to update, and you just have to sit through or risk damage by rebooting it
All programs currently running, background or active, including small programs.
dmi where the screen overlays are kept, defaults to holder's icon if unset
Proc Details
Make a program the currently active one if it is running. Returns the program on success, otherwise null.
Adds an entry to the NTNet log with this computer's identity, if the computer has a connection. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Used by camera monitor program
Attempts to copy the specified file. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to copy the specified file to another disk. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to create Data file. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to save a file object. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to remove the specified file. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if the system is emagged, otherwise FALSE. Overriden by device subtypes.
Handles user's GUI input
Return a list of all files, leaving out hidden files by default.
Attempt to get the specified file. Returns null on failure.
Function used by NanoUI's to obtain data for header. All relevant entries begin with "PC_"
Returns the network tag visible for the outgoing connections this computer makes. Value is cached until computer next runs Process() or is shut down.
Returns the network tag that other computers trying to reach it would see.
Returns TRUE if the connection supports a specific capability, otherwise FALSE
Returns the current network speed in GQ/s for the specified connection quality
Returns the connection quality to NTNet for this computer when making outgoing connections. Value is cached until computer next runs Process() or is shut down.
Returns the connection quality to NTNet for this computer for others trying to reach it.
Overriden in device subtypes and used to display in configurator program.
Returns the number number of programs this system can run at the same time.
Returns the status of the physical device the system is running on. Overridden by device subtypes.
Attempts to kill a program. Assumes that usr is directly accessing the device.
Attempts to kill a program.
Minimize the currently active program.
Attempts to move or copy the specified file, potentially between disks, and renaming it in the process if necessary
Attempts to rename the specified file. Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Attempts to start the named program in the foreground. Assumes that usr is directly accessing the device. Returns the program on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to start the named program in the background. Returns the program on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to save Data file, creating it if necessary. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Attempts to save a file object, replacing existing one with the same name if present. Returns file on success, otherwise null.
Set a filename name that the system should attempt to run as a program when it boots up. Returns the autorun file on success, otherwise null.
Handles all setup when the system is booted up.
Handles all cleanup when the system is shut down.
Check if the file can be created. Returns TRUE if so, otherwise FALSE.
Operates NanoUI
Adds date to a Data file, creating it if necessary. Enforces file type. Returns file on success, otherwise null.