Vars | |
alive_mobs | List of all mob/living currently alive |
all_radios | List of all radios (/obj/item/device/radio ) in world. Populated and depopulated by radio initialization and destroy calls. |
cable_default_colors | Associative list of colors. Default colors that a cable coil or length of cable can be. Used for multitool interactions. |
cable_list | All /obj/structure/cable, managed by instances |
ccw_dir | ccw_dir[dir] = counter-clockwise 4-rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN. |
ccw_dir_8 | ccw_dir_8[dir] = counter-clockwise 8-rotation of dir. Ignores invalid dir combinations. |
cw_dir | cw_dir[dir] = clockwise 4-rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN. |
cw_dir_8 | cw_dir_8[dir] = clockwise 8-rotation of dir. Ignores invalid dir combinations. |
day_names | The title-case full english-language name of each week day |
day_names_short | The title-case 3-letter abbreviation of the english-language name of each week day |
dead_mobs | List of all mob/living currently dead |
em_block_color | A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access. |
em_mask_matrix | A globally cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access. |
emissive_color | A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access. |
empd_event | Dismembered Handling |
flip_dir | flip_dir[dir] = 180 degree rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN. |
free_deepmaint_ladders | For the sake of dungeon generator being modular and not tied exclusively to deepmaint, most of the objects and modifications required exclusively for it will be kept here. |
ghost_mobs | List of all observer/ghost mobs |
human_mobs | List of all carbon/human* mobs |
legion_last_words_generic | List of strings. Pool of generic individual voices that can be heard for legion broadcast and narration events. |
legion_last_words_player | List of strings. Pool of individual voices from harvested player characters from this round to be used for legion broadcast and narration events. Format should be "Character Name" => "Last Message/Thought" |
legion_narrations | List of strings. Pool of generic messages to use for legion broadcast and narration events. |
legion_voices_sounds | List of sound files. Pool of sound effects to use for legion broadcast and narration events. |
legion_warp_sound | Sound file to use for legion warp sound effects. |
living_players | List of all living mobs with clients currently attached |
mannequins | All character setup mannequins |
maximum_safe_teleport_distance | Maximum distance (on the overmap) a teleporter can target with a less than 100% chance of getting an Interlude. |
mil_branches | Datums for military branches and ranks |
minimum_safe_teleport_distance | Minimum distance (on the overmap) a teleporter can send people to without risking a stop in the Interlude. |
module_deactivated_event | Module Activated Handling |
module_deselected_event | Module Deactivated Handling |
module_selected_event | Module Selected Handling |
month_names | The title-case full english-language name of each month |
month_names_short | The title-case 3-letter abbreviation of the english-language name of each month |
moved_event | Module Selected Handling |
player_list | List of all mobs with clients currently attached |
pronouns_from_gender | List (string |/datum/gender => /datum/pronouns ). Map of genders to pronouns. Derived from each gender datum's default_pronouns . Accepts both string or a gender datum as a key. |
rdr_all_shared | A map of (type = instance|list(instance)) of all normal renderers that mobs can share an instance of. |
rdr_main_owned | A list of renderer types to instantiate on all cliented mobs by default. |
rdr_main_shared | A map of (instance = plane) renderers that should be attached to all cliented mobs by default. |
responsive_carriers_to_finds | List (path or string -> string). Map of possible response carriers to strings for archaeological finds. |
reverse_dir | reverse_dir[dir] = reverse of dir |
roundstart_hour | The in-game time at which the round began. |
running_explosions | The number of /proc/explosion_rec currently in progress |
side_effects | All medical side effects |
sight_set_event | Shuttle Moved/Pre Move Handling |
silicon_mobs | List of all silicon* mobs |
terminal_commands | To cut down on unneeded creation/deletion, these are global. |
zombie_messages | Zombie Globals |
Var Details
List of all mob/living currently alive
List of all radios (/obj/item/device/radio
) in world. Populated and depopulated by radio initialization and destroy calls.
Associative list of colors. Default colors that a cable coil or length of cable can be. Used for multitool interactions.
All /obj/structure/cable, managed by instances
ccw_dir[dir] = counter-clockwise 4-rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN.
ccw_dir_8[dir] = counter-clockwise 8-rotation of dir. Ignores invalid dir combinations.
cw_dir[dir] = clockwise 4-rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN.
cw_dir_8[dir] = clockwise 8-rotation of dir. Ignores invalid dir combinations.
The title-case full english-language name of each week day
The title-case 3-letter abbreviation of the english-language name of each week day
List of all mob/living currently dead
A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.
A globally cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.
A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.
Dismembered Handling
flip_dir[dir] = 180 degree rotation of dir. Unlike reverse_dir, UP remains UP & DOWN remains DOWN.
For the sake of dungeon generator being modular and not tied exclusively to deepmaint, most of the objects and modifications required exclusively for it will be kept here.
List of all observer/ghost mobs
List of all carbon/human* mobs
List of strings. Pool of generic individual voices that can be heard for legion broadcast and narration events.
List of strings. Pool of individual voices from harvested player characters from this round to be used for legion broadcast and narration events. Format should be "Character Name" => "Last Message/Thought"
List of strings. Pool of generic messages to use for legion broadcast and narration events.
List of sound files. Pool of sound effects to use for legion broadcast and narration events.
Sound file to use for legion warp sound effects.
List of all living mobs with clients currently attached
All character setup mannequins
Maximum distance (on the overmap) a teleporter can target with a less than 100% chance of getting an Interlude.
Datums for military branches and ranks
Map datums can optionally specify a list of /datum/mil_branch paths. These paths are used to initialize the global mil_branches object, which contains a list of branch objects the map uses. Each branch definition specifies a list of /datum/mil_rank paths, which are ranks available to that branch.
Which branches and ranks can be selected for spawning is specifed in GLOB.using_map and each branch datum definition, respectively.
Minimum distance (on the overmap) a teleporter can send people to without risking a stop in the Interlude.
Module Activated Handling
Module Deactivated Handling
Module Selected Handling
The title-case full english-language name of each month
The title-case 3-letter abbreviation of the english-language name of each month
Module Selected Handling
List of all mobs with clients currently attached
List (string
=> /datum/pronouns
). Map of genders to pronouns. Derived from each gender datum's default_pronouns
. Accepts both string or a gender datum as a key.
A map of (type = instance|list(instance)) of all normal renderers that mobs can share an instance of.
A list of renderer types to instantiate on all cliented mobs by default.
A map of (instance = plane) renderers that should be attached to all cliented mobs by default.
List (path or string -> string). Map of possible response carriers to strings for archaeological finds.
reverse_dir[dir] = reverse of dir
The in-game time at which the round began.
The number of /proc/explosion_rec currently in progress
All medical side effects
Shuttle Moved/Pre Move Handling
List of all silicon* mobs
To cut down on unneeded creation/deletion, these are global.
Zombie Globals