Vars | |
active_allergies | Reagents towards which there is an active allergy. |
Procs | |
active_breathing | Whether or not the mob has lungs that use active breathing. Used for various effects that shouldn't occur on mobs that just don't breathe. |
can_devour | Return FALSE if victim can't be devoured, DEVOUR_FAST if they can be devoured quickly, DEVOUR_SLOW for slow devour |
custom_pain_emote | Handles displaying emotes for custom_pain() . Separated into its own proc to account for subtype overrides. |
devour | Attempt to devour victim |
run_allergy_symptoms | Proc called by handle_allergy, handles chemical effects and symptoms. |
start_allergy | This starts an allergy. Dosage/drug are handled at check_allergy proc, if you call this proc directly you must do your own checks. |
stop_allergy | Ends allergies and unsets flag. Conditions handled at handle_allergy proc; if you call this directly do your own checks. If no severity supplied will end all allergies. |
take_blood | BLOOD TRANSFERS |
use_weapon | Processes stabbing eyes with any sharp items. Only works for normal sized or smaller items; if attacking eyes with a large sword will default to parent use_weapon and do a regular attack. |
Var Details
Reagents towards which there is an active allergy.
Proc Details
Whether or not the mob has lungs that use active breathing. Used for various effects that shouldn't occur on mobs that just don't breathe.
Return FALSE if victim can't be devoured, DEVOUR_FAST if they can be devoured quickly, DEVOUR_SLOW for slow devour
Handles displaying emotes for custom_pain()
. Separated into its own proc to account for subtype overrides.
Attempt to devour victim
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
Proc called by handle_allergy, handles chemical effects and symptoms.
This starts an allergy. Dosage/drug are handled at check_allergy proc, if you call this proc directly you must do your own checks.
Ends allergies and unsets flag. Conditions handled at handle_allergy proc; if you call this directly do your own checks. If no severity supplied will end all allergies.
Processes stabbing eyes with any sharp items. Only works for normal sized or smaller items; if attacking eyes with a large sword will default to parent use_weapon and do a regular attack.