Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



HARVESTER_STATE_DEFAULTThe harvester is currently not doing anything special.
HARVESTER_STATE_EXTRACTINGThe harvester is currently extracting a brain from harvest_target.
HARVESTER_STATE_STORINGThe harvester is currently storing an extracted brain.
harvest_targetThe current atom selected for harvesting.
harvested_brainsLAZYLIST (Instances of /obj/item/organ/internal/brain and /obj/item/organ/internal/posibrain). The brains this harvester has collected. These should also be within contents.
harvester_stateInteger (One of src.HARVESTER_STATE_*). The current activity state of the harvester.


can_harvest_brainWhether or not the target is valid for harvesting a brain from. Legion have fancy sensors that can detect the presence of a brain from a distance or something like that.
collect_brainHandles storing brain in this harvester's cargo.
extract_brain_from_external_organHandles extracting brain from external.
extract_brain_from_mmiHandles extracting brain from mmi.
extract_brain_from_mobHandles extracting brain from external while still connected to human.
harvest_brainAttempts to 'harvest' the target's brain into this harvester's internal storage.
set_harvester_stateSets the harvester's harvesting state. Primarily used to synchronize the harvester's AI busy state.

Var Details


The harvester is currently not doing anything special.


The harvester is currently extracting a brain from harvest_target.


The harvester is currently storing an extracted brain.


The current atom selected for harvesting.


LAZYLIST (Instances of /obj/item/organ/internal/brain and /obj/item/organ/internal/posibrain). The brains this harvester has collected. These should also be within contents.


Integer (One of src.HARVESTER_STATE_*). The current activity state of the harvester.

Proc Details


Whether or not the target is valid for harvesting a brain from. Legion have fancy sensors that can detect the presence of a brain from a distance or something like that.

Does not include adjacency checks as this is also intended for selecting a target to move to.


Returns boolean. If TRUE, target is a valid target for harvest_brain().


Handles storing brain in this harvester's cargo.

Returns boolean.


Handles extracting brain from external.

Returns boolean.


Handles extracting brain from mmi.

Returns boolean.


Handles extracting brain from external while still connected to human.

If the target organ can be amputated, tears it off before extracting for extra brutality.

Returns boolean.


Attempts to 'harvest' the target's brain into this harvester's internal storage.

Does not perform can_harvest_brain() checks as it's assumed this was already checked before calling this proc.


Returns boolean. Whether or not a brain was successfully harvested.


Sets the harvester's harvesting state. Primarily used to synchronize the harvester's AI busy state.

Includes validation to ensure new_state is a valid state, otherwise crashes without updating.


Has no return value.