Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



calexpectedwhat is should be
calibrationWhat it is
coolintervalTime to wait between safe shots in deciseconds
link_rangeHow far can the disperser's front/mid/back sections be apart from eachother before we start complaining
next_shotRound time where the next shot can start from
rangeRange of the explosion
skill_offsetAfter which skill level it starts to matter. -1, because we have to index from zero
strengthStrength of the explosion
txCoordinates for target


cal_accuracyCalculating accuracy from calibration.
fireMain proc to fire shells. Returns FALSE if power isn't present, charge isn't present, or fired under cooldown. Blows up if there's an obstruction. Also handles stumbling during firing of the OFD on the firing vessel. Finally checks type of target to fire the specific proc (event, ship, empty).
fire_at_eventHandles firing at events (storms, meteors, etc). If the shot type and the event type's weakness match, it kills it.
fire_at_sectorHandles firing at sector, empty or with a map. Has code to handle manual coordinate-based aiming, and random-aim. If coordinates are put in, gun tries to hit at the inputted coordinates, else chooses a random area.
get_calibrationCalculating calibration.
is_valid_setupChecks order of parts.
link_partsUsed to handle linking of OFD parts. If the parts are too far apart from eachother, it won't work.
release_linksUsed for destroying links when unlinked.
reset_calibrationResetting calibration.

Var Details


what is should be


What it is


Time to wait between safe shots in deciseconds

How far can the disperser's front/mid/back sections be apart from eachother before we start complaining


Round time where the next shot can start from


Range of the explosion


After which skill level it starts to matter. -1, because we have to index from zero


Strength of the explosion


Coordinates for target

Proc Details


Calculating accuracy from calibration.


Main proc to fire shells. Returns FALSE if power isn't present, charge isn't present, or fired under cooldown. Blows up if there's an obstruction. Also handles stumbling during firing of the OFD on the firing vessel. Finally checks type of target to fire the specific proc (event, ship, empty).


Handles firing at events (storms, meteors, etc). If the shot type and the event type's weakness match, it kills it.


Handles firing at sector, empty or with a map. Has code to handle manual coordinate-based aiming, and random-aim. If coordinates are put in, gun tries to hit at the inputted coordinates, else chooses a random area.


Calculating calibration.


Checks order of parts.

Used to handle linking of OFD parts. If the parts are too far apart from eachother, it won't work.

Used for destroying links when unlinked.


Resetting calibration.