Vars | |
aiDisabledIdScanner | Boolean. Whether or not the ID scanner is enabled. Tied to the ID scan wire. |
ai_control_bypassed | Boolean. Whether or not the AI has bypassed a disabled control mechanism. |
ai_control_disabled | Boolean. Whether or not the AI control mechanism is disabled. |
airlock_type | String. Partial icon state for generating the airlock appearance overlay. |
assembly_type | Path. The assembly structure used to create this door. Used during disassembly steps. |
backup_power_lost_until | Integer. World time when backup power is restored. -1 if not using backup power or disabled. |
bolts_dropping | Soundfile. The sound played when the door is locked/bolted. |
bolts_rising | Soundfile. The sound played when the door is unlocked/unbolted. |
brace | Instance of an airlock brace currently attached to the door. |
close_sound_powered | Soundfile. The sound played when the door closes while powered. |
close_sound_unpowered | Soundfile. The sound played when the door closes while unpowered. |
door_color | Color. The color of the main door body. |
door_crush_damage | Integer. The amount of damage dealt by the door when it closes on someone or something. |
electrified_until | Integer. World time when the door is no longer electrified. -1 if it is permanently electrified until someone fixes it. |
hasShocked | Boolean. Whether or not the door has just electrocuted someone. |
init_material_window | String (One of MATERIAL_* ). The material used for the door's window if glass is set. Used to set window_material during init. |
lights | Boolean. Whether or not the airlock's lights are enabled. Tied to the bolt light wire. |
lock_cut_state | Integer (One of BOLTS_* ). The door's current lock/bolt cutting state. |
locked | Boolean. Whether or not the door is locked/bolted. |
main_power_lost_until | Integer. World time when main power is restored. |
mineral | String (One of MATERIAL_* ). The material the door is made from. If not set, defaults to steel. |
next_beep_at | Integer. World time when we may next beep due to doors being blocked by mobs. Spam prevention. |
open_failure_access_denied | Soundfile. The sound played when the door refuses to open due to access. |
open_sound_powered | Soundfile. The sound played when opening the door while powered. |
open_sound_unpowered | Soundfile. The sound played when opening the door while unpowered. |
paintable | Bitflag (Any of MATERIAL_PAINTABLE* ). Determines what parts of the airlock can be recolored with paint. |
safe | Boolean. Whether or not the door's safeties are enabled. Tied to the safety wire. |
secured_wires | Boolean. Whether or not the door has secure wiring that scrambles the wire panel. |
stripe_color | Color. The color of the stripe detail. |
symbol_color | Color. The color of the symbol detail. |
welded | Boolean. Whether or not the door is welded shut. |
window_color | Color. The color of the window. |
window_material | The material of the door's window. |
Var Details
Boolean. Whether or not the ID scanner is enabled. Tied to the ID scan wire.
Boolean. Whether or not the AI has bypassed a disabled control mechanism.
Boolean. Whether or not the AI control mechanism is disabled.
String. Partial icon state for generating the airlock appearance overlay.
Path. The assembly structure used to create this door. Used during disassembly steps.
Integer. World time when backup power is restored. -1 if not using backup power or disabled.
Soundfile. The sound played when the door is locked/bolted.
Soundfile. The sound played when the door is unlocked/unbolted.
Instance of an airlock brace currently attached to the door.
Soundfile. The sound played when the door closes while powered.
Soundfile. The sound played when the door closes while unpowered.
Color. The color of the main door body.
Integer. The amount of damage dealt by the door when it closes on someone or something.
Integer. World time when the door is no longer electrified. -1 if it is permanently electrified until someone fixes it.
Boolean. Whether or not the door has just electrocuted someone.
String (One of MATERIAL_*
). The material used for the door's window if glass
is set. Used to set window_material
during init.
Boolean. Whether or not the airlock's lights are enabled. Tied to the bolt light wire.
Integer (One of BOLTS_*
). The door's current lock/bolt cutting state.
Boolean. Whether or not the door is locked/bolted.
Integer. World time when main power is restored.
String (One of MATERIAL_*
). The material the door is made from. If not set, defaults to steel.
Integer. World time when we may next beep due to doors being blocked by mobs. Spam prevention.
Soundfile. The sound played when the door refuses to open due to access.
Soundfile. The sound played when opening the door while powered.
Soundfile. The sound played when opening the door while unpowered.
). Determines what parts of the airlock can be recolored with paint.
Boolean. Whether or not the door's safeties are enabled. Tied to the safety wire.
Boolean. Whether or not the door has secure wiring that scrambles the wire panel.
Color. The color of the stripe detail.
Color. The color of the symbol detail.
Boolean. Whether or not the door is welded shut.
Color. The color of the window.
The material of the door's window.