Below this comment is a pinnacle of sorcery unearthed from ancient era of byond.
Proceed with caution, for you may not comprehed whatever the fuck this is.
I sure don't. Original code by
Adapted for Eris and more modern byond versions by me.
Quite a bit was modified/removed/re-done.
Pathing was made strict/all objects here are subtype of obj/procedural.
- Nestor/drexample (full permission to bug me if you have questions or code suggestions)
Vars | |
ERROR_BAD_AREA | The area that the generator is allowed to work on was specified badly |
ERROR_LONGPATHCHANCE_BAD | The chance of getting a long path was a bad number |
ERROR_MAX_ITERATIONS_CONNECTIVITY | Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while ensuring connectivity. If you get this error, there are /no/ guarantees about reachability - indeed, you may end up with a dungeon where no room is reachable from any other room. |
ERROR_MAX_ITERATIONS_EXTRAPATHS | Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while placing extra paths after connectivity was ensured. The dungeon should be fine, all the rooms should be reachable, but it may be less interesting. Or you may just have asked to place too many extra paths. |
ERROR_MAX_ITERATIONS_ROOMS | Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while placing rooms. This is not necessarily a fatal error condition - it just means not all the rooms you specified may have been placed. This error may be masked by errors further along in the process. |
ERROR_NO_FLOORTYPE | The type used for floors wasn't specified |
ERROR_NO_ROOMS | The allowed-rooms list is empty or bad. |
ERROR_NO_SUBMAPS | Everything was fine, but you forgot to include submaps for rooms that try to load them. |
ERROR_NO_WALLTYPE | The type used for walls wasn't specified |
ERROR_NUMEXTRAPATHS_BAD | The number of extra paths to draw was a bad number |
ERROR_NUMROOMS_BAD | The number of rooms to draw was a bad number |
ERROR_PATHENDCHANCE_BAD | The pathend chance is a bad number |
ERROR_PATH_LENGTH_BAD | The specified path lengths (either max or min) include a bad number |
ERROR_ROOM_SIZE_BAD | The specified room sizes (either max or min) include a bad number |
allowedRooms | The list of rooms the algorithm may place |
border_turfs | Internal list. No touching, unless you really know what you're doing. |
corner1 | One corner of the rectangle the algorithm is allowed to modify |
corner2 | The other corner of the rectangle the algorithm is allowed to modify |
doAccurateRoomPlacementCheck | Whether the algorithm should just use AABB collision detection between rooms, or use the slower version with no false positives |
examined | Internal list, used for pre-existing region stuff |
floortype | The type used for open floors placed in corridors |
lightSpawnChance | Chance to spawn a light during path generation |
longPathChance | The chance that any given path will be designated 'long' |
maxPathLength | The absolute maximum length paths are allowed to be. |
maximumIterations | The number of do-nothing iterations before the generator gives up with an error. |
minLongPathLength | The absolute minimum length of a long path |
minPathLength | The absolute minimum length paths are allowed to be. |
numExtraPaths | The upper limit on the number of extra paths placed beyond those required to ensure connectivity. NOT GUARANTEED TO BE REACHED |
numRooms | The upper limit of the number of 'rooms' placed in the dungeon. NOT GUARANTEED TO BE REACHED |
out_error | 0 if no error, positive value if a fatal error occured, negative value if something potentially bad but not fatal happened |
out_numLongPaths | The number of long paths the generator managed to place. This includes those required for reachability, as well as 'extra' paths. |
out_numPaths | The total number of paths the generator managed to place. This includes those required for reachability as well as 'extra' paths, as well as all long paths. |
out_numRooms | The number of rooms the generator managed to place |
out_region | The jp_DungeonRegion object that we were left with after all the rooms were connected |
out_rooms | A list containing all the jp_dungeonroom datums placed on the map |
out_seed | What seed was used to power the RNG for the dungeon. |
out_time | How long it took, in ms. May be negative if the generator runs 'over' midnight that is, starts in one day, ends in another. |
pathEndChance | The chance of terminating a path when it's found a valid endpoint, as a percentage |
pathWidth | The default width of paths connecting the rooms |
roomMaxSize | The maximum 'size' passed to rooms. |
roomMinSize | The minimum 'size' passed to rooms. |
usePreexistingRegions | Whether the algorithm should find any already extant open regions in the area it is working on, and incorporate them into the dungeon being generated |
walltype | Either a single type, or a list of types that are considered 'walls' for the purpose of this algorithm |
Procs | |
GetSquare | Returns an X by X square of turfs with initial turf being in bottom right |
addAllowedRoom | Adds the type 'r' to the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. Will create the list if it doesn't exist yet. |
addWallType | Adds the typepath 'w' to the list of types considered walls. |
errString | Returns 'true' if l is a list, false otherwise |
generate | Actually goes out on a limb and generates the dungeon. This procedure runs in the background, because it's very slow. The various out_ variables will be updated after the generator has finished running. I suggest spawn()ing off the call to the generator. |
getAdjacent | Returns a list of turfs adjacent to the turf 't'. The definition of 'adjacent' may depend on various properties set - at the moment, it is limited to the turfs in the four cardinal directions. |
getAdjacentFurther | Same as above, but skips X tiles from original one |
getAllowedRooms | Returns the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. This may be null, if the list is empty |
getArea | Returns a list containing two of the corners of the area the generator is allowed to touch. Returns a list of nulls if the area isn't specified |
getDoAccurateRoomPlacementCheck | Gets the current value of the accurate room placement check |
getExtraPaths | Returns the number of extra paths that will be placed in the dungeon |
getFloorType | Gets the type used for floors. |
getMaxX | Returns the largest x-value that the generator is allowed to touch Returns null if the area isn't specified. |
getMaxY | Returns the largest y-value that the generator is allowed to touch Returns null if the area isn't specified. |
getMaximumIterations | Gets the maximum number of do-nothing loops that can occur in a row |
getMinX | Returns the smallest x-value that the generator is allowed to touch. Returns null if the area isn't specified. |
getMinY | Returns the smallest y-value that the generator is allowed to touch. Returns null if the area isn't specified. |
getNumRooms | Returns the number of rooms that will be placed in the dungeon |
getPath | Constructs a path between two jp_DungeonRegions. |
getUsePreexistingRegions | Gets the current value of the use-preexisting-regions check |
getWallType | Gets the types considered walls. This may be null, a typepath, or a list of typepaths |
getZ | Returns the Z-level that the generator operates on Returns null if the area isn't specified. |
initializeSubmaps | Post-initializes all submaps |
intersects | Checks if two jp_dungeonrooms are too close to each other |
regionCreate | |
removeAllowedRoom | Removes the type 'r' from the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. Will create the list if it doesn't exist yet. |
removeWallType | Removes 'w' from the list of types considered walls |
setAllowedRooms | Sets the list of jp_dungeonrooms allowed in this dungeon to 'l'. 'l' should be a list of types. |
setArea | Sets the area that the generator is allowed to touch. This is required to be a rectangle. The parameters 'c1' and 'c2' specify the corners of the rectangle. They can be any two opposite corners. The generator does /not/ work over z-levels. |
setDoAccurateRoomPlacementCheck | Sets the accurate room placement check to 'b'. |
setExtraPaths | Sets the number of 'extra' paths that will be placed in the dungeon - 'extra' in that they aren't required to ensure reachability |
setFloorType | Sets the type used for floors - both in corridors, and in some rooms - to 'f' |
setLongPathChance | Sets and gets the chance of a path being designated a 'long' path, which has a different minimum length to a regular path. c must be a number between 0 and 100, inclusive. |
setMaxPathLength | Sets and gets the maximum and minimum lengths used for paths drawn between rooms in the dungeon, including 'long' paths (Which are required to be of a certain length) m must be a positive integer. |
setMaximumIterations | Sets the maximum number of do-nothing loops that can occur in a row before the generator gives up and does something else. |
setNumRooms | Sets the number of rooms that will be placed in the dungeon to 'r'. Positive integers only |
setPathEndChance | Sets and gets the chance of a path ending when it finds a suitable end turf. c must be a number between 0 and 100, inclusive |
setPathWidth | Sets the width of paths generated. Positive and negative integers work. (negatives invert the way square that sets width of the path is calculated) |
setRoomMinSize | Sets and gets the maximum and minimum sizes used for rooms placed on the dungeon. m must be a positive integer. |
setUsePreexistingRegions | Sets the use-preexisting-regions check to 'b' |
setWallType | Sets the type/s detected as 'wall' to either the typepath 'w' or the list of typepaths 'w' |
updateWallConnections | Internal procedures. Might be useful if you're writing a /jp_dungeonroom datum. Probably not useful if you just want to make a simple dungeon |
Var Details
The area that the generator is allowed to work on was specified badly
The chance of getting a long path was a bad number
Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while ensuring connectivity. If you get this error, there are /no/ guarantees about reachability - indeed, you may end up with a dungeon where no room is reachable from any other room.
Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while placing extra paths after connectivity was ensured. The dungeon should be fine, all the rooms should be reachable, but it may be less interesting. Or you may just have asked to place too many extra paths.
Parameters were fine, but maximum iterations was reached while placing rooms. This is not necessarily a fatal error condition - it just means not all the rooms you specified may have been placed. This error may be masked by errors further along in the process.
The type used for floors wasn't specified
The allowed-rooms list is empty or bad.
Everything was fine, but you forgot to include submaps for rooms that try to load them.
The type used for walls wasn't specified
The number of extra paths to draw was a bad number
The number of rooms to draw was a bad number
The pathend chance is a bad number
The specified path lengths (either max or min) include a bad number
The specified room sizes (either max or min) include a bad number
The list of rooms the algorithm may place
Internal list. No touching, unless you really know what you're doing.
One corner of the rectangle the algorithm is allowed to modify
The other corner of the rectangle the algorithm is allowed to modify
Whether the algorithm should just use AABB collision detection between rooms, or use the slower version with no false positives
Internal list, used for pre-existing region stuff
The type used for open floors placed in corridors
Chance to spawn a light during path generation
The chance that any given path will be designated 'long'
The absolute maximum length paths are allowed to be.
The number of do-nothing iterations before the generator gives up with an error.
The absolute minimum length of a long path
The absolute minimum length paths are allowed to be.
The upper limit on the number of extra paths placed beyond those required to ensure connectivity. NOT GUARANTEED TO BE REACHED
The upper limit of the number of 'rooms' placed in the dungeon. NOT GUARANTEED TO BE REACHED
0 if no error, positive value if a fatal error occured, negative value if something potentially bad but not fatal happened
The number of long paths the generator managed to place. This includes those required for reachability, as well as 'extra' paths.
The total number of paths the generator managed to place. This includes those required for reachability as well as 'extra' paths, as well as all long paths.
The number of rooms the generator managed to place
The jp_DungeonRegion object that we were left with after all the rooms were connected
A list containing all the jp_dungeonroom datums placed on the map
What seed was used to power the RNG for the dungeon.
How long it took, in ms. May be negative if the generator runs 'over' midnight that is, starts in one day, ends in another.
The chance of terminating a path when it's found a valid endpoint, as a percentage
The default width of paths connecting the rooms
The maximum 'size' passed to rooms.
The minimum 'size' passed to rooms.
Whether the algorithm should find any already extant open regions in the area it is working on, and incorporate them into the dungeon being generated
Either a single type, or a list of types that are considered 'walls' for the purpose of this algorithm
Proc Details
Returns an X by X square of turfs with initial turf being in bottom right
Adds the type 'r' to the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. Will create the list if it doesn't exist yet.
Adds the typepath 'w' to the list of types considered walls.
Returns 'true' if l is a list, false otherwise
External procedures, intended to be used by user code.
Returns a string representation of the error you pass into it. So you'd call g.errString(g.out_error)
Actually goes out on a limb and generates the dungeon. This procedure runs in the background, because it's very slow. The various out_ variables will be updated after the generator has finished running. I suggest spawn()ing off the call to the generator.
After this procedure finishes executing, you should have a beautiful shiny dungeon, with all rooms reachable from all other rooms. If you don't, first check the parameters you've passed to the generator - if you've set the number of rooms to 0, or haven't set it, you may not get the results you expect. If the parameters you've passed seem fine, and you've written your own /jp_dungeonroom object, it might be a good idea to check whether' or not you meet all the assumptions my code makes about jp_dungeonroom objects. There should be a reasonably complete list in the helpfile. If that doesn't help you out, contact me in some way - you may have found a bug, or an assumption I haven't documented, or I can show you where you've gone wrong.
Returns a list of turfs adjacent to the turf 't'. The definition of 'adjacent' may depend on various properties set - at the moment, it is limited to the turfs in the four cardinal directions.
Same as above, but skips X tiles from original one
Returns the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. This may be null, if the list is empty
Returns a list containing two of the corners of the area the generator is allowed to touch. Returns a list of nulls if the area isn't specified
Gets the current value of the accurate room placement check
Returns the number of extra paths that will be placed in the dungeon
Gets the type used for floors.
Returns the largest x-value that the generator is allowed to touch Returns null if the area isn't specified.
Returns the largest y-value that the generator is allowed to touch Returns null if the area isn't specified.
Gets the maximum number of do-nothing loops that can occur in a row
Returns the smallest x-value that the generator is allowed to touch. Returns null if the area isn't specified.
Returns the smallest y-value that the generator is allowed to touch. Returns null if the area isn't specified.
Returns the number of rooms that will be placed in the dungeon
Constructs a path between two jp_DungeonRegions.
Gets the current value of the use-preexisting-regions check
Gets the types considered walls. This may be null, a typepath, or a list of typepaths
Returns the Z-level that the generator operates on Returns null if the area isn't specified.
Post-initializes all submaps
Checks if two jp_dungeonrooms are too close to each other
The remaining procedures are seriously internal, and I strongly suggest not *
touching them unless you're certain you know what you're doing. That includes * calling them, unless you've figured out what the side-effects and assumptions * of the procedure are. These may not work except in the context of a generate() * call.
Removes the type 'r' from the list of allowed jp_dungeonrooms. Will create the list if it doesn't exist yet.
Removes 'w' from the list of types considered walls
Sets the list of jp_dungeonrooms allowed in this dungeon to 'l'. 'l' should be a list of types.
Sets the area that the generator is allowed to touch. This is required to be a rectangle. The parameters 'c1' and 'c2' specify the corners of the rectangle. They can be any two opposite corners. The generator does /not/ work over z-levels.
Sets the accurate room placement check to 'b'.
Sets the number of 'extra' paths that will be placed in the dungeon - 'extra' in that they aren't required to ensure reachability
Sets the type used for floors - both in corridors, and in some rooms - to 'f'
Sets and gets the chance of a path being designated a 'long' path, which has a different minimum length to a regular path. c must be a number between 0 and 100, inclusive.
Sets and gets the maximum and minimum lengths used for paths drawn between rooms in the dungeon, including 'long' paths (Which are required to be of a certain length) m must be a positive integer.
Sets the maximum number of do-nothing loops that can occur in a row before the generator gives up and does something else.
Sets the number of rooms that will be placed in the dungeon to 'r'. Positive integers only
Sets and gets the chance of a path ending when it finds a suitable end turf. c must be a number between 0 and 100, inclusive
Sets the width of paths generated. Positive and negative integers work. (negatives invert the way square that sets width of the path is calculated)
Sets and gets the maximum and minimum sizes used for rooms placed on the dungeon. m must be a positive integer.
Sets the use-preexisting-regions check to 'b'
Sets the type/s detected as 'wall' to either the typepath 'w' or the list of typepaths 'w'
Internal procedures. Might be useful if you're writing a /jp_dungeonroom datum. Probably not useful if you just want to make a simple dungeon