Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



air_doors_activatedBoolean. Whether or not the area's firedoors are activated (closed). Tied to area alarm processing. Do not modify directly; Use air_doors_close() or air_doors_open() instead.
air_scrub_infoList (string (id_tag) => /datum/signal/data). List of radio signal data received from scrubbers in the area, indexed by the scrubber's id_tag. Do not modify directly; See ./receive_signal() and ./send_signal().
air_scrub_namesList (string (id_tag) => string). List of 'long names' for scrubbers within the area. Also serves as a list of all scrubbers registered with the area. Set by ./register_env_machine().
air_vent_infoList (string (id_tag) => /datum/signal/data). List of radio signal data received from vents in the area, indexed by the vent's id_tag. Do not modify directly; See ./receive_signal() and ./send_signal().
air_vent_namesList (string (id_tag) => string). List of 'long names' for vents within the area. Also serves as a list of all vents registered with the area. Set by ./register_env_machine().
all_doorsLAZYLIST (/obj/machinery/door/firedoor). Contains a list of all firedoors within and adjacent to this area. Updated during a firedoor's Initialize() and Destroy() calls. Do not modify directly.
always_unpoweredBoolean. Whether or not the area is always considered to be unpowered, bypassing all other area checks if TRUE.
ambienceList (file (sounds)). List of sounds that can be played to mobs in the area as ambience. See ./play_ambience().
apcDirect reference to the APC installed in the area, if it exists. Automatically updated during the APC's Initialize() and Destroy() calls.
area_flagsBitflag (Any of AREA_FLAG_*). See code\__defines\
atmosalmInteger (0, 1, or 2). Whether or not the area has an active atmosphere alarm and the level of the atmosphere alarm. Do not modify directly; Use ./atmosalert() instead.
base_turfThe base turf type of the area, which can be used to override the z-level's base_turf for floor deconstruction.
base_turf_special_handlingBoolean. Some base_turfs might cause issues with changing turfs, this flags it as a special case. See /proc/get_base_turf_by_area().
ejectBoolean. Whether or not the area is in the 'Evacuation' alert state. Do not modify directly; Use ./readyalert() or ./readyreset() instead.
fireBoolean. Whether or not the area has an active fire alarm. Do not modify directly; Use ./fire_alert() and ./fire_reset() instead.
forced_ambienceLAZYLIST (file (sounds)). Additional ambience files. These are always played instead of only on probability, are set to loop, and are slightly louder than ambience sound files. See ./play_ambience().
global_uidInteger. Global counter for uid values assigned to areas. Increments by one for each new area.
has_gravityBoolean. Whether or not the area has gravity. Do not set directly; Use ./gravitychange() instead.
holomap_colorString (Color HEX code). Color of this area on the holomap. Can be one of HOLOMAP_AREACOLOR_*.
lightswitchBoolean. Whether or not the area's lightswitch is switched to 'On' or 'Off'. Used to synchronize lightswitch buttons. Do not modify directly; Use ./set_lightswitch() instead.
oneoff_environInteger. Amount of power to drain from the ENVIRON channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.
oneoff_equipInteger. Amount of power to drain from the EQUIP channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.
oneoff_lightInteger. Amount of power to drain from the LIGHT channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.
partyBoolean. Whether or not the area is in 'party light' mode. Do not modify directly; Use ./partyalert() or ./partyreset() instead.
planetary_surfaceBoolean. Whether or not the area belongs to a planet.
power_environBoolean. Whether or not the ENVIRON power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.
power_equipBoolean. Whether or not the EQUIP power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.
power_lightBoolean. Whether or not the LIGHT power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.
req_accessList (string (access_*)). Access requirements for the area. Used for autosetting access on doors, etc.
requires_powerBoolean. Whether or not the area requires power to be considered powered, bypassing all other checks if TRUE. This takes priority over always_unpowered.
secureBoolean. Whether or not the area is considered 'secure'. Unsecure areas will have doors between them use access diff; secure ones use union.
sound_envInteger (One of the environments defined in code\game\ Sound environment used for modification of sounds played to mobs in the area.
turf_initializerType path (Types of /singleton/turf_initializer). If set, uses the provided singleton to modify all turfs in the area during Initialize().
turfs_airlessBoolean (Default FALSE) - If set, floor turfs in the area will be set to airless when they initialize. This is unset during LateInitialize() to avoid interfering with player-placed tiles.
turret_controlsList (/obj/machinery/turretid). A list of all turret control panels in the area. Turrets use this list to see if individual power/lethal settings are allowed. Updated during Initialize() and Destroy() calls on the controllers.
uidInteger. The area's unique ID number. set to the value of global_uid + 1 when the area is created.
used_environInteger. Amount of constant use power drain from the ENVIRON power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.
used_equipInteger. Amount of constant use power drain from the EQUIP power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.
used_lightInteger. Amount of constant use power drain from the LIGHT power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.
vent_pumpsA lazy list of vent pumps currently in the area


air_doors_closeSets air_doors_activated and sets all firedoors in all_doors to the closed state. Does nothing if air_doors_activated is already set.
air_doors_openClears air_doors_activated and sets all firedoors in all_doors to the open state. Does nothing if air_doors_activated is already cleared.
atmosalertDefines the area's atmosphere alert level.
can_modify_areaReturns boolean. Whether or not the area can be modified by player actions.
clear_usageSets all oneoff_* vars to 0. Helper for APCs. Called every machinery process tick.
copy_contents_toAttempts to move the contents, including turfs, of one area to another area. Positioning is based on the lower left corner of both areas. Tiles that do not fit into the new area will not be copied. Source atoms are not modified or deleted. Turfs are created using ChangeTurf(). dir, icon, and icon_state are copied. All other vars use the default value for the copied atom. Primarily used for holodecks.
fire_alertSets a fire alarm in the area, if one is not already active.
fire_resetClears an active fire alarm from the area.
get_camerasReturns list (/obj/machinery/camera). A list of all cameras in the area.
get_dimensionsReturns List (axis => Integer). The width and height, in tiles, of the area, indexed by axis. Axis is "x" or "y".
gravitychangeSets the area's has_gravity state.
has_gravityReturns boolean. Whether or not the area is considered to have gravity.
has_turfsReturns boolean. Whether or not there are any turfs (/turf) in src.
move_contents_toAttempt to move the contents of this area to A
partyalertSets a party alarm in the area, if one is not already active.
partyresetClears an active party alarm from the area.
play_ambienceHandles playing ambient sounds to a given mob, including ship hum.
power_changeCalled whenever the area's power or power usage state should change.
power_use_changeUpdates the area's continuous power use (See the used_* vars) for the given channel. This is used by machines to properly update the area of power use changes.
poweredReturns boolean. Whether or not the area is considered to have power for the given power channel. See requires_power and always_unpowered for some area-level overrides.
prison_breakTrigger for the prison break event. Causes lighting to overload and dooes to open. Has no effect if the area lacks an APC or the APC is turned off.
readyalertSets an active evacuation alarm in the area, if one is not already active.
readyresetClears an active evacuation alarm from the area.
retally_powerRecomputes the continued power usage; can be used for testing or error recovery, but is not called under normal conditions.
set_emergency_lightingCalls set_emergency_lighting(enable) on all /obj/machinery/light in src.
set_lightswitchSets the area's light switch state to on or off, in turn turning all lights in the area on or off.
thunkCauses the provided mob to 'slam' down to the floor if certain conditions are not met. Primarily used for gravity changes.
usageReturns Integer. The total amount of power usage queued for the area from both used_* and oneoff_* for the given power channel, or all channels if TOTAL is passed instead.
use_powerAdds the given amount of power to the used_* var for the given power channel, effectively increasing continuous power usage.
use_power_oneoffAdds the given amount of power to the oneoff_* var for the given power channel. This results in a single spike in power usage that is reset on the next power tick. Use this for a one-time power draw from the area, typically for non-machines.

Var Details


Boolean. Whether or not the area's firedoors are activated (closed). Tied to area alarm processing. Do not modify directly; Use air_doors_close() or air_doors_open() instead.


List (string (id_tag) => /datum/signal/data). List of radio signal data received from scrubbers in the area, indexed by the scrubber's id_tag. Do not modify directly; See ./receive_signal() and ./send_signal().


List (string (id_tag) => string). List of 'long names' for scrubbers within the area. Also serves as a list of all scrubbers registered with the area. Set by ./register_env_machine().


List (string (id_tag) => /datum/signal/data). List of radio signal data received from vents in the area, indexed by the vent's id_tag. Do not modify directly; See ./receive_signal() and ./send_signal().


List (string (id_tag) => string). List of 'long names' for vents within the area. Also serves as a list of all vents registered with the area. Set by ./register_env_machine().


LAZYLIST (/obj/machinery/door/firedoor). Contains a list of all firedoors within and adjacent to this area. Updated during a firedoor's Initialize() and Destroy() calls. Do not modify directly.


Boolean. Whether or not the area is always considered to be unpowered, bypassing all other area checks if TRUE.


List (file (sounds)). List of sounds that can be played to mobs in the area as ambience. See ./play_ambience().


Direct reference to the APC installed in the area, if it exists. Automatically updated during the APC's Initialize() and Destroy() calls.


Bitflag (Any of AREA_FLAG_*). See code\__defines\


Integer (0, 1, or 2). Whether or not the area has an active atmosphere alarm and the level of the atmosphere alarm. Do not modify directly; Use ./atmosalert() instead.


The base turf type of the area, which can be used to override the z-level's base_turf for floor deconstruction.


Boolean. Some base_turfs might cause issues with changing turfs, this flags it as a special case. See /proc/get_base_turf_by_area().


Boolean. Whether or not the area is in the 'Evacuation' alert state. Do not modify directly; Use ./readyalert() or ./readyreset() instead.


Boolean. Whether or not the area has an active fire alarm. Do not modify directly; Use ./fire_alert() and ./fire_reset() instead.


LAZYLIST (file (sounds)). Additional ambience files. These are always played instead of only on probability, are set to loop, and are slightly louder than ambience sound files. See ./play_ambience().


Integer. Global counter for uid values assigned to areas. Increments by one for each new area.


Boolean. Whether or not the area has gravity. Do not set directly; Use ./gravitychange() instead.


String (Color HEX code). Color of this area on the holomap. Can be one of HOLOMAP_AREACOLOR_*.


Boolean. Whether or not the area's lightswitch is switched to 'On' or 'Off'. Used to synchronize lightswitch buttons. Do not modify directly; Use ./set_lightswitch() instead.


Integer. Amount of power to drain from the ENVIRON channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.


Integer. Amount of power to drain from the EQUIP channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.


Integer. Amount of power to drain from the LIGHT channel on the next power tick. Do not modify directly; Use ./use_power_oneoff() instead. This is reset to 0 every power tick after processing power use.


Boolean. Whether or not the area is in 'party light' mode. Do not modify directly; Use ./partyalert() or ./partyreset() instead.


Boolean. Whether or not the area belongs to a planet.


Boolean. Whether or not the ENVIRON power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.


Boolean. Whether or not the EQUIP power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.


Boolean. Whether or not the LIGHT power channel is enabled for the area. Updated and used by APCs.


List (string (access_*)). Access requirements for the area. Used for autosetting access on doors, etc.


Boolean. Whether or not the area requires power to be considered powered, bypassing all other checks if TRUE. This takes priority over always_unpowered.


Boolean. Whether or not the area is considered 'secure'. Unsecure areas will have doors between them use access diff; secure ones use union.


Integer (One of the environments defined in code\game\ Sound environment used for modification of sounds played to mobs in the area.


Type path (Types of /singleton/turf_initializer). If set, uses the provided singleton to modify all turfs in the area during Initialize().


Boolean (Default FALSE) - If set, floor turfs in the area will be set to airless when they initialize. This is unset during LateInitialize() to avoid interfering with player-placed tiles.


List (/obj/machinery/turretid). A list of all turret control panels in the area. Turrets use this list to see if individual power/lethal settings are allowed. Updated during Initialize() and Destroy() calls on the controllers.


Integer. The area's unique ID number. set to the value of global_uid + 1 when the area is created.


Integer. Amount of constant use power drain from the ENVIRON power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.


Integer. Amount of constant use power drain from the EQUIP power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.


Integer. Amount of constant use power drain from the LIGHT power channel. Do not modify; Use ./power_use_change() instead.


A lazy list of vent pumps currently in the area

Proc Details


Sets air_doors_activated and sets all firedoors in all_doors to the closed state. Does nothing if air_doors_activated is already set.


Clears air_doors_activated and sets all firedoors in all_doors to the open state. Does nothing if air_doors_activated is already cleared.


Defines the area's atmosphere alert level.


Returns boolean. TRUE if the atmosphere alarm level was changed, FALSE otherwise.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the area can be modified by player actions.


Sets all oneoff_* vars to 0. Helper for APCs. Called every machinery process tick.


Attempts to move the contents, including turfs, of one area to another area. Positioning is based on the lower left corner of both areas. Tiles that do not fit into the new area will not be copied. Source atoms are not modified or deleted. Turfs are created using ChangeTurf(). dir, icon, and icon_state are copied. All other vars use the default value for the copied atom. Primarily used for holodecks.


Returns List (/atom). A list containing all atoms that were created at the target area during the process.


Sets a fire alarm in the area, if one is not already active.


Clears an active fire alarm from the area.


Returns list (/obj/machinery/camera). A list of all cameras in the area.


Returns List (axis => Integer). The width and height, in tiles, of the area, indexed by axis. Axis is "x" or "y".


Sets the area's has_gravity state.



Returns boolean. Whether or not the area is considered to have gravity.


Returns boolean. Whether or not there are any turfs (/turf) in src.


Attempt to move the contents of this area to A


Sets a party alarm in the area, if one is not already active.


Clears an active party alarm from the area.


Handles playing ambient sounds to a given mob, including ship hum.


Called whenever the area's power or power usage state should change.


Updates the area's continuous power use (See the used_* vars) for the given channel. This is used by machines to properly update the area of power use changes.

If calling this from a /obj/machine, you should probably use REPORT_POWER_CONSUMPTION_CHANGE() instead.



Returns boolean. Whether or not the area is considered to have power for the given power channel. See requires_power and always_unpowered for some area-level overrides.


Trigger for the prison break event. Causes lighting to overload and dooes to open. Has no effect if the area lacks an APC or the APC is turned off.


Sets an active evacuation alarm in the area, if one is not already active.


Clears an active evacuation alarm from the area.


Recomputes the continued power usage; can be used for testing or error recovery, but is not called under normal conditions.


Calls set_emergency_lighting(enable) on all /obj/machinery/light in src.


Sets the area's light switch state to on or off, in turn turning all lights in the area on or off.


Causes the provided mob to 'slam' down to the floor if certain conditions are not met. Primarily used for gravity changes.


Returns Integer. The total amount of power usage queued for the area from both used_* and oneoff_* for the given power channel, or all channels if TOTAL is passed instead.


Adds the given amount of power to the used_* var for the given power channel, effectively increasing continuous power usage.

Generally, you probably do not want to use this directly. See power_use_change() and use_power_oneoff() instead.



Adds the given amount of power to the oneoff_* var for the given power channel. This results in a single spike in power usage that is reset on the next power tick. Use this for a one-time power draw from the area, typically for non-machines.
