Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



atom_flagsBitflag (Any of ATOM_FLAG_*). General atom level flags. See code\__defines\
atom_overlay_cacheThis atom's cache of non-protected overlays, used for normal icon additions. Do not manipulate directly- See SSoverlays.
atom_protected_overlay_cacheThis atom's cache of overlays that can only be removed explicitly, like C4. Do not manipulate directly- See SSoverlays.
blood_DNALAZYLIST of all DNA strings present on the atom from blood. Do not modify directly. See add_blood() and clean_blood().
blood_colorColor. The color of the blood overlay effect, if present.
blood_transfer_amountThe amount of times blood will transfer to other atoms.
climb_speed_multFloat. The multiplier applied to the do_after() timer when a mob climbs the atom.
climbersLAZYLIST of mobs currently climbing the atom.
damage_hitsoundSound effect played when hit
do_unique_target_userThe mob currently interacting with the atom during a do_after timer. Used to validate DO_TARGET_UNIQUE_ACT flag checks.
explosion_resistanceFloat. The atom's explosion resistance value. Used to calculate how much of an explosion is 'absorbed' and not passed on to tiles on the other side of the atom's turf. See /proc/explosion_rec().
fingerprintsLAZYLIST of fingerprints present on the atom. Index is the full print, value is either the full print or a starred version of the full print as a partial. Do not modify directly. See add_fingerprint(), add_partial_print(), and transfer_fingerprints_to().
fingerprintshiddenLAZYLIST of mobs that have touched/used the atom. Used for staff investigation. Each entry includes a timestamp and name of the mob that generated the fingerprint. Do not modify directly. See add_hiddenprint().
fingerprintslastString. The last ckey to generate fingerprints on this atom. Used to reduce the number of duplicate fingerprintshidden entries.
fluorescentInteger (One of ATOM_FLOURESCENCE_*). Whether or not the atom is visible under a UV light. If set to 2, the atom is actively highlighted by a light. See code\__defines\
germ_levelInteger. The atom's current germ level. The higher the germ level, the more germ on the atom.
gunshot_residueLAZYLIST of gunshot residue present on the atom. Each entry contains the caliber of ammunition that generated the residue. Updated by /obj/item/ammo_casing/proc/put_residue_on().
health_currentCurrent health for health processing. Use get_current_health(), damage_health(), or restore_health() for general health references.
health_flagsBitflag (Any of HEALTH_FLAG_*). Various health-related config flags for the atom. See code\__defines\ for details.
health_maxMaximum health for simple health processing. Use get_max_health() or set_max_health() to reference/modify.
health_min_damageMinimum damage required to actually affect health in can_damage_health().
health_resistancesLAZY List of damage type resistance or weakness multipliers, decimal form. Only applied to health reduction. Use set_damage_resistance(), remove_damage_resistance(), and get_damage_resistance() to reference/modify.
health_statusBitflag (Any of HEALTH_STATUS_*). Various health-related status flags for the atom. See code\__defines\ for details.
init_flagsBitflag (Any of INIT_*). Flags for special/additional handling of the Initialize() chain. See code\__defines\
last_bumpedInteger. The world.time the atom was last bumped into. Only used by some subtypes to prevent bump spamming.
levelInteger. The atom's layering level. Primarily used for determining whether the atom is visible or not on certain tile/flooring types/layers (I.e. plating and non-plating).
lightOur light source. Don't fuck with this directly unless you have a good reason!
light_colorHexadecimal RGB string representing the colour of the light.
light_powerIntensity of the light.
light_rangeRange in tiles of the light.
light_source_multiAny light sources that are "inside" of us, for example, if src here was a mob that's carrying a flashlight, that flashlight's light source would be part of this list.
light_source_soloSame as above - this is a shortcut to avoid allocating the above list if we can
light_wedgeThe angle that the light's emission should be restricted to. null for omnidirectional.
pass_flagsBitflag (Any of PASS_FLAG_*). Flags indicating the types of dense objects this atom is able to pass through/over.
planeInteger (One of *_PLANE). The atom's rendering plane. See code\__defines\ for a list of valid planes. Also see the DM Reference for plane var (atom).
reagentsThe reagents contained within the atom. Handles all reagent interactions and processing.
simulatedBoolean. Whether or not the atom is considered simulated. If FALSE, blocks a majority of interactions, processes, etc.
suit_fibersLAZYLIST of clothing fibers persent on the atom. Do not modify directly. See add_fibers() and transfer_fingerprints_to().
temperatureFloat. The atom's current temperature.
temperature_coefficientFloat. Multiplier used to determine how much temperature can change/transfer to this atom when a temperature change proc is called. See ProcessAtomTemperature() and /obj/proc/HandleObjectHeating(). Should be a value between MIN_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT and MAX_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT.
tf_offset_xThe atom's base transform scale for horizontal offset.
tf_offset_yThe atom's base transform scale for vertical offset.
tf_rotationThe atom's base transform scale for rotation.
tf_scale_xThe atom's base transform scale for width.
tf_scale_yThe atom's base transform scale for height.
throwpassBoolean. Whether or not thrown objects can pass through/over the atom.
use_weapon_hitsoundBoolean. If set, uses the item's hit sound file instead of the source atom's when attacked.
was_bloodiedBoolean. Whether or not the atom was bloodied at any point. This remains TRUE even when is_bloodied is set to FALSE, except in very specific circumstances. Used for luminol handling to detect cleaned blood.


AddLabelConvenience shortcut for user labelling attempts. Overrides provide behavior.
AddOverlaysAdds specific overlay(s) to the atom. It is designed so any of the types allowed to be added to /atom/overlays can be added here too. More details below.
AdjacentAdjacency proc for determining touch range
AltClickCalled when a mob alt+clicks the atom. By default, this creates and populates the Turf panel, displaying all objects on the atom's turf.
AltShiftClickCalled when a mob alt+shift+clicks on the atom.
BeamThis is what you use to start a beam. Example: origin.Beam(target, args). Store the return of this proc if you don't set maxdist or time, you need it to delete the beam.
BumpedCalled when an object 'bumps' into the atom, typically by entering or attempting to enter the same tile.
CanFluidPassWhether or not fluids can pass through this atom.
CanMouseDropWhether or not an atom can be dropped onto this atom. Called when a user click+drag's src onto over.
CanMoveOntoWhether or not an atom can move through or onto the same tile as this atom. Primarily used for z-level transitioning in multi-z areas.
CanPassWhether or not an atom can move through or onto the same tile as this atom.
CheckExitUsed to check if this atom blocks another atom's movement to the target turf. Called on all atom's in mover's current location.
ClearOverlaysClears the atom's overlay cache(s) and queues an update if needed. Use CLEAR_TARGET_* flags.
ClearTransformClear the atom's tf_* variables and the current transform state.
CopyOverlaysCopy the overlays from another atom.
CouldNotUseTopicCalled if the CanUseTopic() call fails in Topic().
CouldUseTopicCalled if the CanUseTopic() call succeeds in Topic().
CtrlAltClickCalled when a mob ctrl+alt+clicks on the atom.
CtrlAltShiftClickCalled when a mob ctrl+alt+shift+clicks on the atom.
CtrlClickCalled when a mob ctrl+clicks on the atom. By default, this starts pulling a movable atom if adjacent.
CtrlShiftClickCalled when a mob ctrl+shift+clicks on the atom.
CutCacheBehaviorShared behavior for CutOverlays & CutUnderlays. Do not use directly. null: nothing changed, do nothing FALSE: update should be queued TRUE: update should be queued, cache should be nulled
CutOverlaysRemoves specific overlay(s) from the atom's normal or protected overlay cache and queue an update.
DefaultTopicStateThe atom's default topic state. Used in various Topic related proc calls and defines to validate interactions.
EnteredMovement Handling
ExitedExited Handling
GetAllContentsRetrieves the contents of this atom and all atoms contained within, recursively.
HasProximityCalled when an atom moves into 'proximity' (Currently, range(1)) of src. Only called on atoms that have the MOVABLE_FLAG_PROXMOVE flag in movable_flags.
ImmediateOverlayUpdateImmediately runs an overlay update.
InitializeInitialization handler for atoms. It is preferred to use this over New().
InsertedContentsReturns a list of contents that can be inserted and/or removed. By default, this simply returns contents.
IsCoilTrue when this atom can be used as a cable coil.
IsCrowbarTrue when this atom can be used as a crowbar.
IsFlameSourceTrue when this atom can be used as a flame source. This is for open flames.
IsHatchetTrue when this atom can be used as a hatchet.
IsHeatSourceReturns an integer value of temperature when this atom can be used as a heat source. This is for hot objects.
IsMultitoolTrue when this atom can be used as a multitool.
IsScrewdriverTrue when this atom can be used as a screwdriver.
IsWelderTrue when this atom can be used as a Welder.
IsWirecutterTrue when this atom can be used as a wirecutter.
IsWrenchTrue when this atom can be used as a wrench.
LateExamineWorks same as /atom/proc/Examine(), only this output comes immediately after any and all made by /atom/proc/Examine()
LateInitializeLate initialization handler. Called after the Initialize() chain for any atoms that returned INITIALIZE_HINT_LATELOAD. Primarily used for atoms that rely on initialized values from other atoms.
MayZoomWhether or not the atom is permitted to 'zoom' - I.e., binocular or scope handlers.
OnTopicCalled when a user successfully interacts with a topic interaction window.
ProcessAtomTemperatureTemperature subsystem process.
QueueOverlayUpdateEnqueues the atom for an overlay update if not already queued
RelayMouseDragCalled by /mob/proc/OnMouseDrag() when a mob within this atom's contents performs a mouse drag operation. Used to provide alternative handling to mouse dragging within certain atoms.
RemoveLabelRemoves a labeller label from the atom.
SetNameName Set Handling
SetOverlaysAddOverlays with ClearOverlays first. See AddOverlays for behavior.
SetTransformSets the atom's tf_* variables and the current transform state, also applying others if supplied.
ShiftClickCalled when a mob shift+clicks on the atom. By default, this calls the examine proc chain.
SpinAnimationPerforms a spin/rotation animation on the atom's sprite.
UpdateOverlaysBuilds the atom's overlay state from caches
add_bloodAdds blood effects and DNA to the atom.
add_blood_customAdds custom blood effects and DNA to the atom.
add_fibersAdds forensics fibers to the atom from clothing worn by a mob.
add_fingerprintAdds fingerprints to an atom from a mob.
add_hiddenprintAdds fingerprint logs to the atom's hidden prints.
add_partial_printAdds a partial print to the atom's fingerprints list.
additional_see_invisibleRetrieves see invisible values the atom may provide. Called on atoms contained in a mob's additional_vision_handlers list. See /mob/proc/get_accumulated_vision_handlers().
additional_sight_flagsRetrieves additional sight flags the atom may provide. Called on atoms contained in a mob's additional_vision_handlers list. See /mob/proc/get_accumulated_vision_handlers().
allow_click_throughWhether or not the atom should allow a mob to click things while inside it's contents.
assume_airHandler for receiving gas.
attack_aiCalled when an AI mob clicks on an atom.
attack_animalCalled when a simple_animal mob clicks on the atom with an 'empty hand.'
attack_genericGeneric attack and damage proc, called on the attacked atom.
attack_ghostCalled when a ghost mob clicks on an atom.
attack_robotCalled when a silicon robot mob clicks on an atom.
audible_messageShows a message to all mobs and objects within earshot of this atom. Use for objects performing audible actions.
auto_turnAutomatically sets the atom's direction based on nearby walls. Used for atoms that should appear 'attached' to walls.
bullet_actCalled when a projectile impacts the atom.
can_climbWhether or not a mob can climb this atom.
can_damage_healthChecks if the atom's health can be damaged. Should be called before damage_health() in most cases.
can_restore_healthChecks if the atom's health can be restored. Should be called before restore_health() in most cases. NOTE: Does not include a check for death state by default, to allow repairing/healing atoms back to life.
can_touchChecks if a mob can perform certain physical interactions with the atom. Primarily used for climbing and flipping tables.
can_use_itemWhether or not an item interaction is possible. Checked before any use calls.
check_eyeDetermines sight flags that should be added to user's sight var.
check_fluid_depthDetermines whether the atom's current fluid depth meets the provided value or not. Generally used by turfs.
checkpassWhether or not the atom allows the given passflag to pass through it.
choose_from_pronounsRetrieves the atom's pronouns. Generally this is just based on gender but some factors may mask or change this.
clean_bloodRemoves all blood, DNA, residue, germs, etc from the atom.
climb_onVerb to allow climbing onto an object. Passes directly to /atom/proc/do_climb(usr).
containsRecursively checks if this atom contains another atom in its contents, or contents of its contents.
contents_nano_distanceHandles additional special checks for whether or not NanoUI interactions are valid. Some atoms such as vehicles might have special rules for how mobs inside them interact with NanoUI.
copy_light_and_colorSet this atom's color and light to match origin
create_reagentsCreates a reagent holder for the atom. This shouldn't be used if a reagents holder already exists, but it will partially function by increasing the existing holder's maximum volume instead of creating a new one. If the existing holder's maximum already exceeded the given value, however, this will not reduce the volume.
damage_healthDamage's the atom's health by the given value. Returns TRUE if the damage resulted in a death state change. Resistance and weakness modifiers are applied here.
disrupts_psionicsWhether or not this atom or its contents will disrupt psionics. Top-level proc recursively checks all contents.
do_climbHandles climbing atoms for mobs. This proc includes a do_after() timer.
drain_powerReturns an amount of power drawn from the atom or -1 if it's not viable.
emag_actHandler for the effects of being emagged by a cryptographic sequencer. Other situations may also call this for certain atoms, such as EMP'd or hacked machinery, or antagonist robots.
emp_actCalled when the atom is affected by an EMP.
ex_actCalled when an explosion affects the atom.
examine_damage_stateHandles sending damage state to users on examine(). Overrideable to allow for different messages, or restricting when the messages can or cannot appear.
fire_actCalled when fire affects the atom.
fluid_updateHandler for fluid updates. Mirrors to the atom's turf.
get_alarm_areaRetrieves the atom's area for alarms.
get_alarm_camerasRetrieves a list of cameras from the atom's area.
get_alarm_nameRetrieves the name to use for alarms. For mobs, this is the mob's name. For everything else, this is the arom's area's name.
get_alarm_originRetrieves the 'origin' point for any alarms the atom declares. For turfs, this will be the area. For any other atom, this is itself.
get_alarm_zAssisting procs
get_antag_infoHandler for displaying information in the Antagonist section of the atom's codex entry.
get_antag_interactions_infoHandler for displaying information on tool interations in the Antagonist section of the atom's codex entry.
get_cellRetrieves the atom's power cell, if it has one.
get_codex_valueThe codex entry name to use for this atom. By default, itself. Used for items that should direct to a codex entry other than itself, such as Fleet lore.
get_colorReturns the atom's current color or white if it has no color.
get_construction_infoHandler for displaying construction steps in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry. Separated to allow overriding without duplication of parent steps, or removal of parent mechanics information.
get_containerRecursively searches containers for a given path, and returns the first match.
get_current_healthRetrieves the atom's current health, or null if not using health
get_damage_percentageRetrieves the atom's current damage as a percentage where 100% is 100.
get_damage_resistanceFetches the atom's current resistance value for the given damage type.
get_damage_valueRetrieves the atom's current damage, or null if not using health.
get_explosion_resistanceRetrieves the atom's explosion resistance. Generally, this is explosion_resistance for simulated atoms.
get_fluid_depthDetermines the atom's current fluid depth. Currently only used by turfs.
get_global_map_posRetrieves the atom's x and y coordinates from the global map.
get_holstersRetrieves all holsters contained within the atom, including itself. Generally, this is any atom that has the /datum/extension/holster extension.
get_interactions_infoHandler for displaying information on tool interations in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry.
get_lore_infoHandler for displaying information in the Lore section of the atom's codex entry.
get_material_melting_pointReturns the material's melting point, or T100C if there is no material. Overrideable for special cases, such as atoms that allow material reinforcement or that by nature should have a higher or lower melting point.
get_max_healthRetrieves the atom's maximum health.
get_mechanics_infoHandler for displaying information in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry.
get_radsRetrieves the atom's current radiation level. By default, this will return loc.get_rads().
get_rigRetrieves the rig the atom is located inside of, recursively checking parent locs until it find one.
get_source_nameRetrieves an alarm's origin name. Generally this is the atom's name or, for cameras, c_tag.
get_specific_codex_entryRetrieves the atom's codex entry, generating a new one if not already cached.
health_brokenWhether or not the atom is currently broken. Does not consider death as broken, to minimize on recursive proc calls.
health_damagedWhether or not the atom's health is damaged.
health_deadWhether or not the atom is currently dead.
hitbyCalled when the atom is hit by a thrown object.
in_contents_ofDetermines whether or not the atom is in the contents of the container or an instance of container if provided as a path.
is_damage_immuneDetermines whether or not the atom has full immunity to the given damage type.
is_open_containerWhether or not the atom is considered an open container for chemistry handling.
isinspaceWhether or not the atom is in space.
kill_healthImmediately sets health to 0 then updates death_state, bypassing all other checks and processes.
lava_actCalled when lava affects the atom. By default, this melts and deletes the atom.
meltHandler for melting from heat or other sources. Called by terrain generation and some instances of fire_act() or lava_act().
mod_healthHealth modification for the health system. Applies health_mod directly to simple_health via addition and calls handle_death_change as needed. Has no pre-modification checks, you should be using damage_health() or restore_health() instead of this. skip_death_state_change will skip calling handle_death_change() when applicable. Used for when the originally calling proc needs handle it in a unique way. Returns TRUE if the death state changes, FALSE otherwise.
move_camera_by_clickHandles moving an AI's 'eye' to a location on click.
object_shakenHandler for atoms being moved, shaken, or otherwise interacted with in a manner that would affect atoms on top of if.
onDropIntoHandler for items being dropped onto or into the atom. Called by dropInto().
on_brokenProc called when the atom transitions from unbroken to broken. Only used if HEALTH_FLAG_BREAKABLE is set.
on_color_transfer_reagent_changeHandler for color changes related to transferred reagents. For atoms whos color is based on the contents of reagents.
on_deathProc called when the atom transitions from alive to dead.
on_reagent_changeCalled whenever the contents of the atom's reagents changes.
on_reviveProc called when the atom transitions from dead to alive.
on_unbrokenProc called when the atom transitions from broken to unbroken. Only used if HEALTH_FLAG_BREAKABLE is set.
on_update_iconHandler for updating the atom's icon and overlay states. Generally, all changes to overlays, underlays, icon, icon_state, item_state, etc should be contained in here.
post_health_changeProc called after any health changes made by the system
post_use_itemHandler for operations to occur after running the chain of use_* procs. Always called.
pre_use_itemHandler for operations to occur before running the chain of use_* procs. Always called.
queue_icon_updateAdds the atom to the icon_update subsystem to be queued for icon updates. Use this if you're going to be pushing a lot of icon updates at once.
rad_actCalled when radiation affects the atom.
recursive_dir_setHandler for setting an atom's dir when mimicking movements. Calls set_dir().
relaymoveCalled when a mob with this atom as their machine, pulledby, loc, buckled, or other relevant var atom attempts to move.
remove_airRemoves air from the atom.
remove_damage_resistanceRemoves the atom's resistance/weakness to the given damage type.
restore_healthRestore's the atom's health by the given value. Returns TRUE if the restoration resulted in a death state change.
return_airRetrieves the atom's air contents. Used for subtypes that implement their own forms of air contents.
return_air_for_internal_lifeformAlternative to return_air() used for internal organ and lung checks.
return_fluidRetrieves the atom's fluid effect, if present. Generally, this only returns a value for turfs, and for said turfs, the fluid effect present in the turf's contents.
reveal_bloodCalled when the atom is affected by luminol. Reveals blood present on the atom, or blood decal atoms.
revive_healthReturns health to full, resetting the death state as well.
search_contents_forRecursively searches all atom contents for a given path.
set_colorHandler for setting the atom's color.
set_damage_resistanceSets the atom's resistance/weakness to the given damage type. Value should be a multiplier that is applied against damage. Values below 1 are a resistance, above 1 are a weakness. Value of 0 is considered immunity.
set_densitySets the atom's density, raises the density set event, and updates turfs for dense atom checks.
set_dirSets the atom's direction and raises the dir set event.
set_healthSets health_current to the new value, clamped between 0 and health_max. Has no pre-modification checks. Returns TRUE if the death state changes, null if the atom is not using health, FALSE otherwise.
set_icon_stateSets the atom's icon state, also updating the base icon state extension if present. You should only use this proc if you intend to permanently alter the base state.
set_invisibilityInvisibility Set Handling
set_lightSets the atom's light values and color. May call update_light().
set_max_healthSets the atoms maximum health to the new value. If set_current_health is TRUE, also sets the current health to the new value.
shake_animationPerforms a shaking animation on the atom's sprite.
singularity_actCalled when a singularity interacts with the atom.
singularity_pullCalled when a singularity attempts to pull the atom toward it.
singuloCanEatNar-Sie Act/Pull
slam_intoCalled when a mob walks into the atom while confused.
storage_depthDetermines the storage depth of an atom. This is the number of storage items (/obj/item/storage) the atom is contained in before reaching container.
storage_depth_turfDetermines the storage depth of an atom. This is the number of storage items (/obj/item/storage) the atom is contained in before reaching the turf.
submergedWhether or not the atom is considered submerged in fluid.
transfer_bloodTransfers existing blood effects to the target.
transfer_fingerprints_toTransfers this atom's fingerprints, fibres, DNA, etc to the target atom.
turf_is_crowdedWhether or not dense atoms exist on the same turf.
update_aboveUpdates whatever openspace components may be mimicing us. On turfs this queues an openturf update on the above openturf, on movables this updates their bound movable (if present). Meaningless on any type other than /turf or /atom/movable (incl. children).
update_iconUpdates the atom's icon. You should call this to trigger icon updates, but should not override it. Override on_update_icon() instead.
update_lightWill update the light (duh).
use_grabInteraction handler for being clicked on with a grab. This is called regardless of user intent.
use_toolInteraction handler for using an item on this atom with a non-harm intent, or if use_weapon() did not resolve an action. Generally, this is for any standard interactions with items.
use_weaponInteraction handler for using an item on this atom with harm intent. Generally, this is for attacking the atom.
visible_messageShows a message to all atoms in sight of this item. Use for objects performing visible actions.
water_actCalled when fluids affect the atom.

Var Details


Bitflag (Any of ATOM_FLAG_*). General atom level flags. See code\__defines\


This atom's cache of non-protected overlays, used for normal icon additions. Do not manipulate directly- See SSoverlays.


This atom's cache of overlays that can only be removed explicitly, like C4. Do not manipulate directly- See SSoverlays.


LAZYLIST of all DNA strings present on the atom from blood. Do not modify directly. See add_blood() and clean_blood().


Color. The color of the blood overlay effect, if present.


The amount of times blood will transfer to other atoms.


Float. The multiplier applied to the do_after() timer when a mob climbs the atom.


LAZYLIST of mobs currently climbing the atom.


Sound effect played when hit


The mob currently interacting with the atom during a do_after timer. Used to validate DO_TARGET_UNIQUE_ACT flag checks.


Float. The atom's explosion resistance value. Used to calculate how much of an explosion is 'absorbed' and not passed on to tiles on the other side of the atom's turf. See /proc/explosion_rec().


LAZYLIST of fingerprints present on the atom. Index is the full print, value is either the full print or a starred version of the full print as a partial. Do not modify directly. See add_fingerprint(), add_partial_print(), and transfer_fingerprints_to().


LAZYLIST of mobs that have touched/used the atom. Used for staff investigation. Each entry includes a timestamp and name of the mob that generated the fingerprint. Do not modify directly. See add_hiddenprint().


String. The last ckey to generate fingerprints on this atom. Used to reduce the number of duplicate fingerprintshidden entries.


Integer (One of ATOM_FLOURESCENCE_*). Whether or not the atom is visible under a UV light. If set to 2, the atom is actively highlighted by a light. See code\__defines\


Integer. The atom's current germ level. The higher the germ level, the more germ on the atom.


LAZYLIST of gunshot residue present on the atom. Each entry contains the caliber of ammunition that generated the residue. Updated by /obj/item/ammo_casing/proc/put_residue_on().


Current health for health processing. Use get_current_health(), damage_health(), or restore_health() for general health references.


Bitflag (Any of HEALTH_FLAG_*). Various health-related config flags for the atom. See code\__defines\ for details.


Maximum health for simple health processing. Use get_max_health() or set_max_health() to reference/modify.


Minimum damage required to actually affect health in can_damage_health().


LAZY List of damage type resistance or weakness multipliers, decimal form. Only applied to health reduction. Use set_damage_resistance(), remove_damage_resistance(), and get_damage_resistance() to reference/modify.

Index should be one of the DAMAGE_ flags. Value should be a multiplier that is applied against damage. Values below 1 are a resistance, above 1 are a weakness. Value of 0 is considered immunity.


Bitflag (Any of HEALTH_STATUS_*). Various health-related status flags for the atom. See code\__defines\ for details.


Bitflag (Any of INIT_*). Flags for special/additional handling of the Initialize() chain. See code\__defines\


Integer. The world.time the atom was last bumped into. Only used by some subtypes to prevent bump spamming.


Integer. The atom's layering level. Primarily used for determining whether the atom is visible or not on certain tile/flooring types/layers (I.e. plating and non-plating).


Our light source. Don't fuck with this directly unless you have a good reason!


Hexadecimal RGB string representing the colour of the light.



Intensity of the light.


Range in tiles of the light.


Any light sources that are "inside" of us, for example, if src here was a mob that's carrying a flashlight, that flashlight's light source would be part of this list.


Same as above - this is a shortcut to avoid allocating the above list if we can


The angle that the light's emission should be restricted to. null for omnidirectional.


Bitflag (Any of PASS_FLAG_*). Flags indicating the types of dense objects this atom is able to pass through/over.


Integer (One of *_PLANE). The atom's rendering plane. See code\__defines\ for a list of valid planes. Also see the DM Reference for plane var (atom).


The reagents contained within the atom. Handles all reagent interactions and processing.


Boolean. Whether or not the atom is considered simulated. If FALSE, blocks a majority of interactions, processes, etc.


LAZYLIST of clothing fibers persent on the atom. Do not modify directly. See add_fibers() and transfer_fingerprints_to().


Float. The atom's current temperature.


Float. Multiplier used to determine how much temperature can change/transfer to this atom when a temperature change proc is called. See ProcessAtomTemperature() and /obj/proc/HandleObjectHeating(). Should be a value between MIN_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT and MAX_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT.


The atom's base transform scale for horizontal offset.


The atom's base transform scale for vertical offset.


The atom's base transform scale for rotation.


The atom's base transform scale for width.


The atom's base transform scale for height.


Boolean. Whether or not thrown objects can pass through/over the atom.


Boolean. If set, uses the item's hit sound file instead of the source atom's when attacked.


Boolean. Whether or not the atom was bloodied at any point. This remains TRUE even when is_bloodied is set to FALSE, except in very specific circumstances. Used for luminol handling to detect cleaned blood.

Proc Details


Convenience shortcut for user labelling attempts. Overrides provide behavior.


Adds specific overlay(s) to the atom. It is designed so any of the types allowed to be added to /atom/overlays can be added here too. More details below.

@param sources The overlay(s) to add. These may be - A string: In which case it is treated as an icon_state of the atom's icon. - An icon: It is treated as an icon. - An atom: Its own overlays are compiled and then it's appearance is added. (Meaning its current apperance is frozen). - An image: Image's apperance is added (i.e. subsequently editing the image will not edit the overlay) - A type path: Added to overlays as is. Does whatever it is BYOND does when you add paths to overlays. - Or a list containing any of the above. @param cache_target If ATOM_ICON_CACHE_PROTECTED, add to the protected cache instead of normal.


Adjacency proc for determining touch range

This is mostly to determine if a user can enter a square for the purposes of touching something. Examples include reaching a square diagonally or reaching something on the other side of a glass window.

This is calculated by looking for border items, or in the case of clicking diagonally from yourself, dense items. This proc will NOT notice if you are trying to attack a window on the other side of a dense object in its turf. There is a window helper for that.

Note that in all cases the neighbor is handled simply; this is usually the user's mob, in which case it is up to you to check that the mob is not inside of something


Called when a mob alt+clicks the atom. By default, this creates and populates the Turf panel, displaying all objects on the atom's turf.


Returns boolean - Whether or not the action was handled.


Called when a mob alt+shift+clicks on the atom.


Returns boolean - Whether or not the interaction was handled.


This is what you use to start a beam. Example: origin.Beam(target, args). Store the return of this proc if you don't set maxdist or time, you need it to delete the beam.

Unless you're making a custom beam effect (see the beam_type argument), you won't actually have to mess with any other procs. Make sure you store the return of this Proc, you'll need it to kill the beam. Arguments:


Called when an object 'bumps' into the atom, typically by entering or attempting to enter the same tile.



Whether or not fluids can pass through this atom.


Returns boolean.


Whether or not an atom can be dropped onto this atom. Called when a user click+drag's src onto over.


Returns boolean.


Whether or not an atom can move through or onto the same tile as this atom. Primarily used for z-level transitioning in multi-z areas.

By default, passes directly to CanPass() and also checks upward movement with climbable atoms.


Returns boolean.


Whether or not an atom can move through or onto the same tile as this atom.

Generally called by movement and airflow procs.


Returns boolean.


Used to check if this atom blocks another atom's movement to the target turf. Called on all atom's in mover's current location.


Returns boolean. If FALSE, blocks movement and calls mover.Bump(src, TRUE).


Clears the atom's overlay cache(s) and queues an update if needed. Use CLEAR_TARGET_* flags.


Clear the atom's tf_* variables and the current transform state.


Copy the overlays from another atom.

@param other The atom to copy overlays from. @param clear If TRUE, clear before adding other's overlays. @param cache_target A mask of ICON_CACHE_TARGET_* indicating what to copy.


Called if the CanUseTopic() call fails in Topic().



Called if the CanUseTopic() call succeeds in Topic().



Called when a mob ctrl+alt+clicks on the atom.


Returns boolean - Whather or not the interaction was handled.


Called when a mob ctrl+alt+shift+clicks on the atom.


Returns boolean - Whether or not the interaction was handled.


Called when a mob ctrl+clicks on the atom. By default, this starts pulling a movable atom if adjacent.


Returns boolean - Whether or not the action was handled.


Called when a mob ctrl+shift+clicks on the atom.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the interaction was handled.


Shared behavior for CutOverlays & CutUnderlays. Do not use directly. null: nothing changed, do nothing FALSE: update should be queued TRUE: update should be queued, cache should be nulled


Removes specific overlay(s) from the atom's normal or protected overlay cache and queue an update.

@param overlays The overlays to removed. See AddOverlays for legal source types. @param cache_target A mask of ICON_CACHE_TARGET_*.


The atom's default topic state. Used in various Topic related proc calls and defines to validate interactions.

Returns GLOB.default_state by default, or a subtype of /datum/topic_state.


Movement Handling


Exited Handling


Retrieves the contents of this atom and all atoms contained within, recursively.


Returns a list of atoms.


Called when an atom moves into 'proximity' (Currently, range(1)) of src. Only called on atoms that have the MOVABLE_FLAG_PROXMOVE flag in movable_flags.



Immediately runs an overlay update.


Initialization handler for atoms. It is preferred to use this over New().

This is called after New() if the map is being loaded (mapload is TRUE), or called from the base of New() otherwise.

All overrides should call parent or set the ATOM_FLAG_INITIALIZED flag and return a valid INITIALIZE_HINT_* value. All overrides must not sleep.


Returns int (One of INITIALIZE_HINT_*). Return hint indicates what should be done with the atom once the initialization process is finished. See code\__defines\


Returns a list of contents that can be inserted and/or removed. By default, this simply returns contents.


True when this atom can be used as a cable coil.


True when this atom can be used as a crowbar.


True when this atom can be used as a flame source. This is for open flames.


True when this atom can be used as a hatchet.


Returns an integer value of temperature when this atom can be used as a heat source. This is for hot objects.

Defaults to 1000 if IsFlameSource() returns TRUE, otherwise 0.


True when this atom can be used as a multitool.


True when this atom can be used as a screwdriver.


True when this atom can be used as a Welder.


True when this atom can be used as a wirecutter.


True when this atom can be used as a wrench.


Works same as /atom/proc/Examine(), only this output comes immediately after any and all made by /atom/proc/Examine()


Late initialization handler. Called after the Initialize() chain for any atoms that returned INITIALIZE_HINT_LATELOAD. Primarily used for atoms that rely on initialized values from other atoms.


Has no return value.


Whether or not the atom is permitted to 'zoom' - I.e., binocular or scope handlers.

Returns boolean.


Called when a user successfully interacts with a topic interaction window.


Returns int (One of TOPIC_*). The return value determines what happens to the topic UI window upon completion of the interaction. See code\__defines\


Temperature subsystem process.

Returns void or PROCESS_KILL.


Enqueues the atom for an overlay update if not already queued


Called by /mob/proc/OnMouseDrag() when a mob within this atom's contents performs a mouse drag operation. Used to provide alternative handling to mouse dragging within certain atoms.


Returns boolean. TRUE if the mouse drag operation was intercepted, FALSE otherwise.


Removes a labeller label from the atom.



Name Set Handling

Sets the atom's name to the provided value, allowing for any additional processing required that name = new_value alone cannot perform. It is preferred to use this over modifying the name var directly.

This proc will also raise name_set_event.



AddOverlays with ClearOverlays first. See AddOverlays for behavior.


Sets the atom's tf_* variables and the current transform state, also applying others if supplied.


Called when a mob shift+clicks on the atom. By default, this calls the examine proc chain.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the interaction was handled.


Performs a spin/rotation animation on the atom's sprite.



Builds the atom's overlay state from caches


Adds blood effects and DNA to the atom.


Returns boolean - TRUE if the atom was bloodied, FALSE otherwise.


Adds custom blood effects and DNA to the atom.


Returns boolean - TRUE if the atom was bloodied, FALSE otherwise.


Adds forensics fibers to the atom from clothing worn by a mob.



Adds fingerprints to an atom from a mob.


Returns boolean. TRUE if fingerprints were added, FALSE otherwise.


Adds fingerprint logs to the atom's hidden prints.


Returns boolean.


Adds a partial print to the atom's fingerprints list.



Retrieves see invisible values the atom may provide. Called on atoms contained in a mob's additional_vision_handlers list. See /mob/proc/get_accumulated_vision_handlers().

Returns int.


Retrieves additional sight flags the atom may provide. Called on atoms contained in a mob's additional_vision_handlers list. See /mob/proc/get_accumulated_vision_handlers().

Returns bitflag (Any valid flag for sight - See DM reference).


Whether or not the atom should allow a mob to click things while inside it's contents.


Returns boolean.


Handler for receiving gas.



Called when an AI mob clicks on an atom.



Called when a simple_animal mob clicks on the atom with an 'empty hand.'



Generic attack and damage proc, called on the attacked atom.


Returns boolean.


Called when a ghost mob clicks on an atom.



Called when a silicon robot mob clicks on an atom.



Shows a message to all mobs and objects within earshot of this atom. Use for objects performing audible actions.

Calls show_message() on all valid mobs and objects in range.



Automatically sets the atom's direction based on nearby walls. Used for atoms that should appear 'attached' to walls.


Called when a projectile impacts the atom.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the projectile should pass through the atom.


Whether or not a mob can climb this atom.

If this check fails, it generally also sends a feedback message to user.


Returns boolean.


Checks if the atom's health can be damaged. Should be called before damage_health() in most cases.


Checks if the atom's health can be restored. Should be called before restore_health() in most cases. NOTE: Does not include a check for death state by default, to allow repairing/healing atoms back to life.


Checks if a mob can perform certain physical interactions with the atom. Primarily used for climbing and flipping tables.

If this check fails, it generally also sends a feedback mesage to user.


Returns boolean.


Whether or not an item interaction is possible. Checked before any use calls.


Determines sight flags that should be added to user's sight var.

Returns bitflag or -1 to indicate the view should be cancelled.


Determines whether the atom's current fluid depth meets the provided value or not. Generally used by turfs.

See /atom/proc/get_fluid_fepth().


Returns boolean.


Whether or not the atom allows the given passflag to pass through it.

Parameters passflag bitfield (Any of PASS_FLAG_*) - The passflag(s) to check.

Returns bitfield (Any of PASS_FLAG_*). All matching bitflags provided in passflag that the atom allows to pass through, or 0 if the atom does not allow them.


Retrieves the atom's pronouns. Generally this is just based on gender but some factors may mask or change this.

Returns instance of /datum/pronouns.


Removes all blood, DNA, residue, germs, etc from the atom.

Returns boolean. If TRUE, blood DNA was present and removed.


Verb to allow climbing onto an object. Passes directly to /atom/proc/do_climb(usr).


Recursively checks if this atom contains another atom in its contents, or contents of its contents.


Returns boolean.


Handles additional special checks for whether or not NanoUI interactions are valid. Some atoms such as vehicles might have special rules for how mobs inside them interact with NanoUI.


Returns int (One of STATUS_*).


Set this atom's color and light to match origin


Creates a reagent holder for the atom. This shouldn't be used if a reagents holder already exists, but it will partially function by increasing the existing holder's maximum volume instead of creating a new one. If the existing holder's maximum already exceeded the given value, however, this will not reduce the volume.


Returns instance of /datum/reagents. The newly created reagents holder or, if the atom already had a holder, the pre-existing holder.


Damage's the atom's health by the given value. Returns TRUE if the damage resulted in a death state change. Resistance and weakness modifiers are applied here.


Whether or not this atom or its contents will disrupt psionics. Top-level proc recursively checks all contents.

Returns instance of /atom/movable or FALSE. Either the atom that can disrupt psionics, or FALSE if nothing will disrupt.


Handles climbing atoms for mobs. This proc includes a do_after() timer.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the mob successfully completed the climb action.


Returns an amount of power drawn from the atom or -1 if it's not viable.


Returns integer.


Handler for the effects of being emagged by a cryptographic sequencer. Other situations may also call this for certain atoms, such as EMP'd or hacked machinery, or antagonist robots.


Returns integer. The amount of emag charges to expend. If NO_EMAG_ACT, then emag interactions are skipped and the emag will be passed on to other interaction checks.


Called when the atom is affected by an EMP.



Called when an explosion affects the atom.



Handles sending damage state to users on examine(). Overrideable to allow for different messages, or restricting when the messages can or cannot appear.


Called when fire affects the atom.



Handler for fluid updates. Mirrors to the atom's turf.


Retrieves the atom's area for alarms.

TODO: Redundant. Replace with get_area().

Returns instance of /area.


Retrieves a list of cameras from the atom's area.

TODO: Redundant. Replace with get_area() and get_cameras().

Returns list (Instances of /obj/machinery/camera). All cameras in the atom's area.


Retrieves the name to use for alarms. For mobs, this is the mob's name. For everything else, this is the arom's area's name.

Returns string.


Retrieves the 'origin' point for any alarms the atom declares. For turfs, this will be the area. For any other atom, this is itself.

Returns instance of /atom.


Assisting procs

Determines the alarm's z-level.

TODO: Possibly redundant. Check how areas respond to get_z() and potentially just replace this call with that.

Returns integer.


Handler for displaying information in the Antagonist section of the atom's codex entry.

Returns string.


Handler for displaying information on tool interations in the Antagonist section of the atom's codex entry.

Returns associative list of strings. Best practice is to append information to existing entries with +=, if present (This is null safe), i.e.:

. = ..()
.["Screwdriver"] += "<p>Toggles the maintenance panel open and closed.</p>"


Retrieves the atom's power cell, if it has one.

Returns instance of /obj/item/cell or null.


The codex entry name to use for this atom. By default, itself. Used for items that should direct to a codex entry other than itself, such as Fleet lore.

Returns instance of /atom or string.


Returns the atom's current color or white if it has no color.


Handler for displaying construction steps in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry. Separated to allow overriding without duplication of parent steps, or removal of parent mechanics information.

Returns list of strings.


Recursively searches containers for a given path, and returns the first match.


Retrieves the atom's current health, or null if not using health


Retrieves the atom's current damage as a percentage where 100% is 100.


Fetches the atom's current resistance value for the given damage type.


Retrieves the atom's current damage, or null if not using health.


Retrieves the atom's explosion resistance. Generally, this is explosion_resistance for simulated atoms.


Determines the atom's current fluid depth. Currently only used by turfs.

Returns integer.


Retrieves the atom's x and y coordinates from the global map.

TODO: Unused. Remove.

Returns list ("x" and "y" values as integers), null if there is no global map, or 0 if the atom has no position within the global map..


Retrieves all holsters contained within the atom, including itself. Generally, this is any atom that has the /datum/extension/holster extension.

Returns associative list (name = instance of /datum/extension/holster)


Handler for displaying information on tool interations in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry.

Returns associative list of strings. Best practice is to append information to existing entries with +=, if present (This is null safe), i.e.:

. = ..()
.["Screwdriver"] += "<p>Toggles the maintenance panel open and closed.</p>"


Handler for displaying information in the Lore section of the atom's codex entry.

Returns string.


Returns the material's melting point, or T100C if there is no material. Overrideable for special cases, such as atoms that allow material reinforcement or that by nature should have a higher or lower melting point.


Retrieves the atom's maximum health.


Handler for displaying information in the Mechanics section of the atom's codex entry.

Returns string.


Retrieves the atom's current radiation level. By default, this will return loc.get_rads().

Returns integer.


Retrieves the rig the atom is located inside of, recursively checking parent locs until it find one.

Returns instead of /obj/item/rig.


Retrieves an alarm's origin name. Generally this is the atom's name or, for cameras, c_tag.

Returns string.


Retrieves the atom's codex entry, generating a new one if not already cached.

Returns instance of /datum/codex_entry or FALSE if there's no codex data to generate.


Whether or not the atom is currently broken. Does not consider death as broken, to minimize on recursive proc calls.

Returns boolean.


Whether or not the atom's health is damaged.


Whether or not the atom is currently dead.

Returns boolean.


Called when the atom is hit by a thrown object.



Determines whether or not the atom is in the contents of the container or an instance of container if provided as a path.

TODO: Only used once, and the usage is redundant. Replace with istype(loc) check.


Returns boolean.


Determines whether or not the atom has full immunity to the given damage type.


Whether or not the atom is considered an open container for chemistry handling.

TODO: Redundant. Replace with flat bit check.

Returns int (ATOM_FLAG_OPEN_CONTAINER or 0).


Whether or not the atom is in space.

TODO: Redundant.

Returns boolean.


Immediately sets health to 0 then updates death_state, bypassing all other checks and processes.


Called when lava affects the atom. By default, this melts and deletes the atom.

Returns boolean. Whether or not the atom was destroyed.


Handler for melting from heat or other sources. Called by terrain generation and some instances of fire_act() or lava_act().


Health modification for the health system. Applies health_mod directly to simple_health via addition and calls handle_death_change as needed. Has no pre-modification checks, you should be using damage_health() or restore_health() instead of this. skip_death_state_change will skip calling handle_death_change() when applicable. Used for when the originally calling proc needs handle it in a unique way. Returns TRUE if the death state changes, FALSE otherwise.


Handles moving an AI's 'eye' to a location on click.


Handler for atoms being moved, shaken, or otherwise interacted with in a manner that would affect atoms on top of if.


Handler for items being dropped onto or into the atom. Called by dropInto().


Returns instance of /atom or null. The atom to forceMove() AM into. If null, assumes src.


Proc called when the atom transitions from unbroken to broken. Only used if HEALTH_FLAG_BREAKABLE is set.


Handler for color changes related to transferred reagents. For atoms whos color is based on the contents of reagents.


Proc called when the atom transitions from alive to dead.


Called whenever the contents of the atom's reagents changes.


Proc called when the atom transitions from dead to alive.


Proc called when the atom transitions from broken to unbroken. Only used if HEALTH_FLAG_BREAKABLE is set.


Handler for updating the atom's icon and overlay states. Generally, all changes to overlays, underlays, icon, icon_state, item_state, etc should be contained in here.

Do not call this directly. Use update_icon() or queue_icon_update() instead.


Proc called after any health changes made by the system


Handler for operations to occur after running the chain of use_* procs. Always called.

By default, this adds fingerprints to the atom and tool.


Has no return value.


Handler for operations to occur before running the chain of use_* procs. Always called.

By default, this does nothing.


Has no return value.


Adds the atom to the icon_update subsystem to be queued for icon updates. Use this if you're going to be pushing a lot of icon updates at once.


Called when radiation affects the atom.


Returns boolean


Handler for setting an atom's dir when mimicking movements. Calls set_dir().



Called when a mob with this atom as their machine, pulledby, loc, buckled, or other relevant var atom attempts to move.


Removes air from the atom.


Returns instance of /datum/gas_mixture. The air that was removed from the atom.


Removes the atom's resistance/weakness to the given damage type.


Restore's the atom's health by the given value. Returns TRUE if the restoration resulted in a death state change.


Retrieves the atom's air contents. Used for subtypes that implement their own forms of air contents.

Returns instance of /datum/gas_mixture.


Alternative to return_air() used for internal organ and lung checks.

Returns instance of /datum/gas_mixture.


Retrieves the atom's fluid effect, if present. Generally, this only returns a value for turfs, and for said turfs, the fluid effect present in the turf's contents.

Returns instance of /obj/fluid.


Called when the atom is affected by luminol. Reveals blood present on the atom, or blood decal atoms.


Returns health to full, resetting the death state as well.


Recursively searches all atom contents for a given path.


Returns list (Instances of /atom). All found matches.


Handler for setting the atom's color.


Sets the atom's resistance/weakness to the given damage type. Value should be a multiplier that is applied against damage. Values below 1 are a resistance, above 1 are a weakness. Value of 0 is considered immunity.


Sets the atom's density, raises the density set event, and updates turfs for dense atom checks.



Sets the atom's direction and raises the dir set event.


Returns boolean. Whether or not the direction was changed.


Sets health_current to the new value, clamped between 0 and health_max. Has no pre-modification checks. Returns TRUE if the death state changes, null if the atom is not using health, FALSE otherwise.


Sets the atom's icon state, also updating the base icon state extension if present. You should only use this proc if you intend to permanently alter the base state.



Invisibility Set Handling

Sets the atom's invisibility and raises the invisibility set event.



Sets the atom's light values and color. May call update_light().


Returns null


Sets the atoms maximum health to the new value. If set_current_health is TRUE, also sets the current health to the new value.


Performs a shaking animation on the atom's sprite.



Called when a singularity interacts with the atom.


Called when a singularity attempts to pull the atom toward it.


Nar-Sie Act/Pull

Whether or not a singularity can consume the atom.

Returns boolean.


Called when a mob walks into the atom while confused.



Determines the storage depth of an atom. This is the number of storage items (/obj/item/storage) the atom is contained in before reaching container.


Returns integer or -1 if the atom was not found in the container.


Determines the storage depth of an atom. This is the number of storage items (/obj/item/storage) the atom is contained in before reaching the turf.

Returns integer or -1 if the atom was not found in a turf.


Whether or not the atom is considered submerged in fluid.


Returns boolean.


Transfers existing blood effects to the target.


Returns boolean - TRUE if the atom was bloodied, FALSE otherwise.


Transfers this atom's fingerprints, fibres, DNA, etc to the target atom.



Whether or not dense atoms exist on the same turf.


Returns instance of /atom (The atom with density found on the turf) or FALSE (No dense atoms were found).


Updates whatever openspace components may be mimicing us. On turfs this queues an openturf update on the above openturf, on movables this updates their bound movable (if present). Meaningless on any type other than /turf or /atom/movable (incl. children).


Updates the atom's icon. You should call this to trigger icon updates, but should not override it. Override on_update_icon() instead.

If you're expecting to be calling a lot of icon updates at once, use queue_icon_update() instead.


Will update the light (duh).

Creates or destroys it if needed, makes it update values, makes sure it's got the correct source turf...


Interaction handler for being clicked on with a grab. This is called regardless of user intent.


Returns boolean to indicate whether the attack call was handled or not. If FALSE, the next use_* proc in the resolve chain will be called.


Interaction handler for using an item on this atom with a non-harm intent, or if use_weapon() did not resolve an action. Generally, this is for any standard interactions with items.


Returns boolean to indicate whether the attack call was handled or not. If FALSE, the next use_* proc in the resolve chain will be called.


Interaction handler for using an item on this atom with harm intent. Generally, this is for attacking the atom.


Returns boolean to indicate whether the attack call was handled or not. If FALSE, the next use_* proc in the resolve chain will be called.


Shows a message to all atoms in sight of this item. Use for objects performing visible actions.



Called when fluids affect the atom.
