Vars | |
ATOM_ICON_CACHE_ALL | SSoverlays. Target both normal and protected overlay caches. |
ATOM_ICON_CACHE_NORMAL | SSoverlays. Target the normal overlay cache. |
ATOM_ICON_CACHE_PROTECTED | SSoverlays. Target the protected overlay cache. |
CHAMELEON_FLEXIBLE_OPTIONS_EXTENSION | Grants the full set of chameleon selection options available to the extension. |
CHAMELEON_FLEXIBLE_OPTIONS_PARENT_TYPE | Grants a (potential) subset of chameleon options available to the extension, based on the instance's parent_type . Falls back to type if not a valid type for the extension. |
CHAMELEON_FLEXIBLE_OPTIONS_TYPE | Grants a (potential) subset of chameleon options available to the extension, based on the instance's type . |
CLICK_HANDLER_REMOVE_IF_NOT_TOP | Removes and prevents creation of the click handler if it is not the active handler for the mob. |
CLICK_HANDLER_REMOVE_ON_MOB_LOGOUT | Removes this click handler on /mob/Logout() . |
DEG_TO_RAD | Multiplier for converting degrees to radians, rounded to 10 places |
Failsafe | Failsafe |
GC_CURRENTLY_BEING_QDELETED | datum.gc_destroyed signal value |
GLOB | Managed Globals datum. Any defined global vars can be accessed via GLOB.varname . |
GLOBAL_PROC | ** Callbacks Callbacks wrap a target, callable, and arguments to pass. See the dm reference for call(). When the target is GLOBAL_PROC, the callable is global - otherwise it is a datum (or dead) reference. Callbacks are created with the new keyword via a global alias like: |
HALF_PI | Half the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places |
HAZARD_FLAG_SHARD | For mob/living/ignore_hazard_flags. When set, shards do not damage the mob. |
Master | StonedMC |
PI | The mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places |
QDEL_HINT_HARDDEL | Destroy() return value. Queue this instance for hard deletion regardless of its refcount GC state. |
QDEL_HINT_HARDDEL_NOW | Destroy() return value. Immediately hard delete the instance. |
QDEL_HINT_IWILLGC | Destroy() return value. Same as QDEL_HINT_LETMELIVE but the instance expects to refcount GC without help. |
QDEL_HINT_LETMELIVE | Destroy() return value. Do not queue the instance for hard deletion. Does not expect to be refcount GCd. |
QDEL_HINT_QUEUE | Destroy() return value. Queue the instance for eventual hard deletion. |
RAD_TO_DEG | Multiplier for converting radians to degrees, rounded to 10 places |
SSpresence | Builds a list of z-level populations to allow for easier pauses on processing when nobody is around to care |
TIMER_LOOP | Looping timers automatically re-queue themselves after firing, assuming they are still valid |
TIMER_NO_HASH_WAIT | Skips adding the wait to the timer hash, allowing for uniques with variable wait times |
TIMER_OVERRIDE | Attempting to add a unique timer will re-queue the event instead of being ignored |
TIMER_STOPPABLE | Stoppable timers produce a hash that can be given to deltimer() to unqueue them |
TIMER_UNIQUE | Two of the same timer signature cannot be queued at once when they are unique |
TWO_PI | Twice the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places |
access_cent_general | Central Command |
access_hangar | SEV Torch |
access_petrov | NRV Petrov |
access_security | Station access |
access_syndicate | Antag access |
access_synth | Misc |
photo_count | photo |
state_machines | List and procs for caching state machine instances. |
z_levels | < What the map edge should be formed with. (null = world.turf) |
Procs | |
Atan2 | The 2-argument arctangent of x and y |
BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate | A circular random coordinate with radius on center_x, center_y, reflected into low_x,low_y -> high_x,high_y, clamped in low,high, and rounded if round is set |
Broadcast_Message | Here is the big, bad function that broadcasts a message given the appropriate parameters. |
CircularRandomCoordinate | A circular random coordinate pair from 0, unit by default, scaled by radius, then rounded if round. |
CircularRandomTurf | Pick a random turf using BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate about x,y on level z |
CircularRandomTurfAround | Pick a random turf using BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate around the turf of target |
CreateBans | DEBUG |
Drand | Returns a random real from an arbitrary XdY dice roll |
GetAnomalySusceptibility | returns 0..1, with 1 being no protection and 0 being fully protected |
Interpolate | Returns a linear interpolation from a to b according to weight. weight 0 is a, weight 1 is b, weight 0.5 is half-way between the two. |
Mean | Returns the mean of either a list or variadic arguments: Mean(list(1, 2, 3)) = 2 , Mean(1, 2, 3) = 2 |
VecMag | Returns the euclidian magnitude of a vector of either a list or variadic arguments: VecMag(list(3, 4)) = 5 , VecMag(3, 4) = 5 |
VecSquareMag | Returns the euclidian square magnitude of a vector of either a list or variadic arguments: VecSquareMag(list(1, 2, 3)) = 14 , VecSquareMag(1, 2, 3) = 14 |
_fetch_bans | Checks for bans matching ckey, ip, or cid. |
_fetch_connections | Checks for prior connections matching ckey, ip, or cid. |
_find_bans_in_connections | Checks a list of connections for bans matching any of the list entries. |
_get_ammo_casing_name | Determines the full descriptive name for an ammo casing. |
_show_associated_connections | Generates and displays an HTML window, displaying data from a _fetch_connections() call with the provided
parameters. |
_unique_cids_from_connections | Returns a sorted list containing only each unique CID present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections() . |
_unique_ckeys_from_bans | Returns a sorted list containing only each unique ckey present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections() . |
_unique_ckeys_from_connections | Returns a sorted list containing only each unique ckey present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections() . |
_unique_ips_from_connections | Returns a sorted list containing only each unique IP present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections() . |
all_hearers | Hear Helpers |
all_viewers | View Helpers |
callHook | @file hooks.dm Implements hooks, a simple way to run code on pre-defined events. |
can_operate | Truthy if user can operate on target |
ckey2client | Get the client associated with ckey text if it is currently connected |
clients_in_range | Range Helpers |
cmp_clientcolor_order | The comparison function for sorting client_colors by order. |
copy_health | Copies the state of health from one atom to another. |
crash_at | runtime, including a file and line in the message. Use crash_with to automate the file/line |
do_unstable_teleport_safe | Teleport an object randomly within a set of connected zlevels |
emissive_appearance | Produces a mutable appearance glued to the EMISSIVE_PLANE dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR. |
emissive_blocker | Produces a mutable appearance glued to the EMISSIVE_PLANE dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR. |
empulse | Generates an EMP pulse on the turf of the provided origin point, for the given range as a radius value. Calls
emp_act() on every atom within range. |
findNullRod | Construct Spells |
generate_padding | Builds a string of padding repeated until its character count meets or exceeds size |
getOPressureDifferential | Gets the highest and lowest pressures from the tiles in cardinal directions around us, then checks the difference. |
get_area_instances | Gets a list of instances of area_type, or the type of area_type if an area |
get_base_turf_by_area | Fetches the area's base_turf , if defined, or the z level's base_turf as a default. |
get_circle_coordinates | Get the coordinates that make up a circle of radius on center, packed as (x | y left shift 12). These coordinates are able to be outside the world: check (v < 1 || v > world.maxV) for safety. Implements the Bresenham Circle Drawing Algorithm for the actual point picking. |
get_circle_turfs | Uses get_circle_coordinates to return a list of turfs on the in-bounds edge of the circle. |
get_compass_direction_string | Returns direction-string, rounded to multiples of 22.5, from the first parameter to the second N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW |
get_default_outfit_backpack | Helpers |
get_fax_machines_by_department | Retrieves a list of all fax machines matching the given department tag. |
get_mannequin | Initial Building |
get_random_colour | Returns a random color hex with rgb parts from min to max. If called without args, picks from presets |
get_random_poster_type | Picks and returns a random (sub)type of the provided random_poster_base_type which: |
get_random_uplink_items | Support procs |
get_wall_item | Tries to collect the wall item for a given wall |
get_wound_type | WOUND DEFINITIONS |
get_zone_with_miss_chance | Emulates targetting a specific body part, and miss chances May return null if missed. Miss_chance_mod may be negative. In order to make this proc compatible with melee and projectile attacks, only return projectile compatible zones if not point blank. |
grand | Generate a random number from min to max on a sigma^2 = 1 gaussian distribution. |
html_list | Converts a list to an HTML formatted list, i.e.: |
html_list_dl | Converts an associative list to an HTML formatted definition list, i.e.: |
icon2base64 | Convert icon to base64-encoded png data. Consider caching heavy use |
ionnum | Returns text to use as the law number for hacked or ion AI laws |
is_abstract | Passed a path or instance, returns whether it is abstract. Otherwise null. |
is_special_character | ADMIN HELPER PROCS |
is_suid | Check if thing is an SUID. If other is supplied, check if other matches thing. |
iscultist | Tests if subject is a cultist. Subject may be a /mob or /datum/mind. |
isfinite | True if number is a number that is not nan or an infinity. |
join_url | Connects either a list or variadic arguments with "/" and cleans up multiple joins.
join_url("a", "b", "c") => "a/b/c"
join_url(list("a", "b", "c")) => "a/b/c"
join_url("https://some.tld/", "/cats", " |
key2client | Get the client associated with key text if it is currently connected |
legion_add_voice | Adds a player's last words to the legion's pool. origin can be a living mob, a mind datum, or a brain. |
legion_mass_recall | Triggers a sequence of "recalls" on legion mobs in connected z-levels, representation a mass retreat, exodus, etc. |
legion_recall | Triggers a warp effect and relocates the mob to destination, if provided, or deletes it. |
legion_warp_effect | Creates a warp effect on the given target turf. |
list_elements_of_type | Returns the elements of list that are of type path. If strict, disallows subtypes |
list_to_map | Convert list to a map by calling handler per entry. Map may be supplied as a reference. Handlers should implement a no-params clear. |
ltm_by_atom_name | Entry handler for list_to_map. Produces a "name"=ref map, overwriting duplicate names in encounter order. |
ltm_by_atom_name_numbered | Entry handler for list_to_map. Produces a "name"=ref map, suffixing a count to name for duplicate names. |
new_simple_coin | Create a new random simple coin at loc and return it. |
pad_left | Pads the matter of padding onto the start of text until the result length is size |
pad_right | Pads the matter of padding onto the start of text until the result length is size |
pick_legion_message | Randomly chooses a legion message to broadcast. |
poly_interp2 | Sample t(0..1) into a quadratic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. |
poly_interp3 | Sample t(0..1) into a cubic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp2. |
poly_interp4 | Sample t(0..1) into a quartic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp3. |
pop | Remove and return the last element of the list, or null. |
popleft | Returns the first element from the list and removes it from the list |
profiler_init | Starts the profiler. |
qdel | Queue datum D for garbage collection / deletion. Calls the datum's Destroy() and sets its gc_destroyed value. |
randhex | Returns random hex of char length nibbles |
resolve_client | Null, or a client if thing is a client, a mob with a client, a connected ckey, or null |
sanitize_frequency | Ensures frequency is a whole odd number between low and high |
select_client | Null or a client from the list of connected clients, chosen by actor if actor is valid |
send_fax_loop | Handles the loop of sending a fax to all machines matching the department tag. Returns TRUE if at least one fax machine successfully received the fax. Does not include sending faxes to admins. |
set_scent_by_reagents | Reagents have the following vars, which coorelate to the vars on the standard scent extension: scent, scent_intensity, scent_descriptor, scent_range To add a scent extension to an atom using a reagent's info, where R. is the reagent, use set_scent_by_reagents(). |
show_legion_broadcast | Displays a legion message through all radios in the given z-levels. |
shuffle | Returns a Fisher-Yates shuffled copy of list, or list itself if in_place. |
stoplag | Non-blocking sleep that allows server state to advance while the caller waits for something to be complete, or to pause its own behavior to be neighbourly |
subtypesof | typesof() without the type of thing (or thing if it is a type) included. |
subtypesof_real | subtypesof() without abstract types included. |
time_to_readable | Converts some number of deciseconds to a user-readable string split into time measurements from seconds to years. |
typecache_filter_list | Returns a new list with only atoms that are in typecache L |
typecacheof | Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list |
typesof_real | typesof() without abstract types included. |
uptime | Real time in deciseconds the server process has been active |
valid_ckey | Duck check to see if text looks like a ckey |
valid_key | Duck check to see if text looks like a key |
weakref | Creates a weakref to the given input. See /weakref 's documentation for more information. |
xdy | Roll a Y sided die X times, producing either a sum result or list of rolls. |
Var Details
SSoverlays. Target both normal and protected overlay caches.
SSoverlays. Target the normal overlay cache.
SSoverlays. Target the protected overlay cache.
Grants the full set of chameleon selection options available to the extension.
Grants a (potential) subset of chameleon options available to the extension, based on the instance's parent_type
. Falls back to type
if not a valid type for the extension.
Grants a (potential) subset of chameleon options available to the extension, based on the instance's type
Removes and prevents creation of the click handler if it is not the active handler for the mob.
Removes this click handler on /mob/Logout()
Multiplier for converting degrees to radians, rounded to 10 places
Pretty much pokes the MC to make sure it's still alive.
datum.gc_destroyed signal value
Managed Globals datum. Any defined global vars can be accessed via GLOB.varname
New globals can be defined on the global scope (Outside of any class definitions)
via the following GLOBAL_*()
** Callbacks Callbacks wrap a target, callable, and arguments to pass. See the dm reference for call(). When the target is GLOBAL_PROC, the callable is global - otherwise it is a datum (or dead) reference. Callbacks are created with the new keyword via a global alias like:
- var/datum/callback/instance = new Callback(GLOBAL_PROC, /proc/get_area, someObject) Callbacks are thin - they should be used with invoke or invoke_async.
** Invocation
invoke and invoke_async call a callable against a target with optional params. They accept either:
invoke(target, callable, params...)
or invoke(
** Callables Callables are proc names or proc references, with references preferred for safety (in most cases). These vary between 515 and older major versions: Before 515:
- PROC_REF(name) refers to the last override of name on target, OR the global proc name. After 515:
- src::name() must be used for the last override, or ::name() for the global.
- nameof() is available at compile time to resolve safe proc names like nameof(/datum::fooBehavior()). This can be preferable to direct refs in complex cases. A specific version of a proc may be called by fully specifying its type depth, like invoke(myLivingMob, /mob/living/proc/handle_vision)
** Timers Timers accept callbacks as their first argument. For full timer documentation, see the timedevent datum. For example: addTimer(new Callback(myMob, myMob::drop_l_hand()), 10 SECONDS)
Half the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
For mob/living/ignore_hazard_flags. When set, shards do not damage the mob.
Designed to properly split up a given tick among subsystems Note: if you read parts of this code and think "why is it doing it that way" Odds are, there is a reason
The mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
Destroy() return value. Queue this instance for hard deletion regardless of its refcount GC state.
Destroy() return value. Immediately hard delete the instance.
Destroy() return value. Same as QDEL_HINT_LETMELIVE but the instance expects to refcount GC without help.
Destroy() return value. Do not queue the instance for hard deletion. Does not expect to be refcount GCd.
Destroy() return value. Queue the instance for eventual hard deletion.
Multiplier for converting radians to degrees, rounded to 10 places
Builds a list of z-level populations to allow for easier pauses on processing when nobody is around to care
Looping timers automatically re-queue themselves after firing, assuming they are still valid
Skips adding the wait to the timer hash, allowing for uniques with variable wait times
Attempting to add a unique timer will re-queue the event instead of being ignored
Stoppable timers produce a hash that can be given to deltimer() to unqueue them
Two of the same timer signature cannot be queued at once when they are unique
Twice the mathematical constant pi, rounded to 10 places
Central Command
SEV Torch
NRV Petrov
Station access
Antag access
List and procs for caching state machine instances.
< What the map edge should be formed with. (null = world.turf)
Proc Details
The 2-argument arctangent of x and y
A circular random coordinate with radius on center_x, center_y, reflected into low_x,low_y -> high_x,high_y, clamped in low,high, and rounded if round is set
Generally this proc is useful for placement around a point (eg a player) that must stay within map boundaries, or some similar circle in box constraint
A "donut" pattern can be achieved by varying the number supplied as radius outside the scope of the proc, eg as BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate(Frand(1, 3), ...)
Here is the big, bad function that broadcasts a message given the appropriate parameters.
@param connection: The datum generated in radio.dm, stored in signal.data["connection"].
@param M: Reference to the mob/speaker, stored in signal.data["mob"]
@param vmask: Boolean value if the mob is "hiding" its identity via voice mask, stored in signal.data["vmask"]
@param vmessage: If specified, will display this as the message; such as "chimpering" for monkies if the mob is not understood. Stored in signal.data["vmessage"].
@param radio: Reference to the radio broadcasting the message, stored in signal.data["radio"]
@param message: The actual string message to display to mobs who understood mob M. Stored in signal.data["message"]
@param name: The name to display when a mob receives the message. signal.data["name"]
@param job: The name job to display for the AI when it receives the message. signal.data["job"]
@param realname: The "real" name associated with the mob. signal.data["realname"]
@param vname: If specified, will use this name when mob M is not understood. signal.data["vname"]
@param data: If specified: 1 -- Will only broadcast to intercoms 2 -- Will only broadcast to intercoms and station-bounced radios 3 -- Broadcast to syndicate frequency 4 -- AI can't track down this person. Useful for imitation broadcasts where you can't find the actual mob
@param compression: If 0, the signal is audible If nonzero, the signal may be partially inaudible or just complete gibberish.
@param level: The list of Z levels that the sending radio is broadcasting to. Having 0 in the list broadcasts on all levels
@param freq The frequency of the signal
@param channel_tag The "name" of the frequency. Displayed in brackets before the message
@param channel_color Color of the radio message
A circular random coordinate pair from 0, unit by default, scaled by radius, then rounded if round.
Pick a random turf using BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate about x,y on level z
Pick a random turf using BoundedCircularRandomCoordinate around the turf of target
Returns a random real from an arbitrary XdY dice roll
returns 0..1, with 1 being no protection and 0 being fully protected
Returns a linear interpolation from a to b according to weight. weight 0 is a, weight 1 is b, weight 0.5 is half-way between the two.
Returns the mean of either a list or variadic arguments: Mean(list(1, 2, 3)) = 2 , Mean(1, 2, 3) = 2
Returns the euclidian magnitude of a vector of either a list or variadic arguments: VecMag(list(3, 4)) = 5 , VecMag(3, 4) = 5
Returns the euclidian square magnitude of a vector of either a list or variadic arguments: VecSquareMag(list(1, 2, 3)) = 14 , VecSquareMag(1, 2, 3) = 14
Checks for bans matching ckey, ip, or cid.
Returns list of lists.
Checks for prior connections matching ckey, ip, or cid.
Returns list of lists.
Checks a list of connections for bans matching any of the list entries.
(list) - List of connections. Should be the output of_fetch_connections()
(boolean, defaultFALSE
) - If set, includes inactive/expired bans in the list.
Returns list of lists.
Determines the full descriptive name for an ammo casing.
Global proc so it also functions with uninitialized type paths.
(Object or path).spent
(Boolean, defaultFALSE
). Only used ifammo_casing
is a path. Whether the casing is considered spent or not. Otherwise, this is defined based on the presence ofammo_casing.BB
Returns string.
Generates and displays an HTML window, displaying data from a _fetch_connections()
call with the provided
WARNING: This proc makes no validation or access checks. Ensure user
is a valid candidate to receive this
information before calling.
Used by the Check Connections
button in the player panel.
- The mob requesing that the window is displayed to.connections
- List generated from a_fetch_connections()
- If provided, highlights ckeys in the window that match this value.target_ip
- If provided, highlights IP addresses in the window that match this value.target_cid
- If provided, highlights CIDs in the window that match this value.
Has no return value.
Returns a sorted list containing only each unique CID present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections()
Returns a sorted list containing only each unique ckey present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections()
Returns a sorted list containing only each unique ckey present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections()
Returns a sorted list containing only each unique IP present in a list of connections provided by _fetch_connections()
Hear Helpers
View Helpers
@file hooks.dm Implements hooks, a simple way to run code on pre-defined events.
@page hooks Code hooks
@section hooks Hooks
A hook is defined under /hook in the type tree.
To add some code to be called by the hook, define a proc under the type, as so:
@code hook/foo/proc/bar() if(1) return 1 //Sucessful else return 0 //Error, or runtime.
All hooks must return nonzero on success, as runtimes will force return null.
Calls a hook, executing every piece of code that's attached to it. @param hook Identifier of the hook to call. @returns 1 if all hooked code runs successfully, 0 otherwise.
Truthy if user can operate on target
Get the client associated with ckey text if it is currently connected
Range Helpers
The comparison function for sorting client_colors by order.
Copies the state of health from one atom to another.
Does not support mobs that don't use standardized health.
runtime, including a file and line in the message. Use crash_with to automate the file/line
Teleport an object randomly within a set of connected zlevels
Produces a mutable appearance glued to the EMISSIVE_PLANE dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR.
Produces a mutable appearance glued to the EMISSIVE_PLANE dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR.
Generates an EMP pulse on the turf of the provided origin point, for the given range as a radius value. Calls
on every atom within range.
- The atom to originate the EMP from. Will be converted toget_turf()
if not already a turf.heavy_range
- The radius in tiles to useEMP_ACT_HEAVY
in theemp_act()
- The radius in tiles to useEMP_ACT_LIGHT
in theemp_act()
call. NOTE: This is the total range of the EMP, not added toheavy_range
. This should be equal to or greater thanheavy_range
to avoid weirdness.log
, generates an admin log detailing the EMP's size and origin area.
Returns FALSE
if the emp failed to generate, TRUE
Construct Spells
Builds a string of padding repeated until its character count meets or exceeds size
Gets the highest and lowest pressures from the tiles in cardinal directions around us, then checks the difference.
Gets a list of instances of area_type, or the type of area_type if an area
Fetches the area's base_turf
, if defined, or the z level's base_turf
as a default.
Get the coordinates that make up a circle of radius on center, packed as (x | y left shift 12). These coordinates are able to be outside the world: check (v < 1 || v > world.maxV) for safety. Implements the Bresenham Circle Drawing Algorithm for the actual point picking.
Uses get_circle_coordinates to return a list of turfs on the in-bounds edge of the circle.
Returns direction-string, rounded to multiples of 22.5, from the first parameter to the second N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW
Retrieves a list of all fax machines matching the given department tag.
Initial Building
Returns a random color hex with rgb parts from min to max. If called without args, picks from presets
Picks and returns a random (sub)type of the provided random_poster_base_type which:
- Is not abstract, and
- Has a poster_flags value with the POSTER_FLAG_RANDOM_PICK flag, and
- Has a poster_flags value which does not match one or more of the excluded_flags (if provided)
Support procs
Tries to collect the wall item for a given wall
Emulates targetting a specific body part, and miss chances May return null if missed. Miss_chance_mod may be negative. In order to make this proc compatible with melee and projectile attacks, only return projectile compatible zones if not point blank.
Generate a random number from min to max on a sigma^2 = 1 gaussian distribution.
Converts a list to an HTML formatted list, i.e.:
- The list to convert to an HTML formatted list. Values must be convertable to string. List keys from associative lists are not used.numbered_list
(Boolean, defaultFALSE
) - If set, the list will use<ol>
instead of<ul>
tags, generating a numbered list instead of bullets.
Returns string, or null if input
is empty.
Converts an associative list to an HTML formatted definition list, i.e.:
"Key1" = "Value1",
"Key2" = "Value2"
- The list to convert to an HTML formatted list. Both the key and value must be convertable to string.
Returns string, or null if input
is empty.
Convert icon to base64-encoded png data. Consider caching heavy use
Returns text to use as the law number for hacked or ion AI laws
Passed a path or instance, returns whether it is abstract. Otherwise null.
Check if thing is an SUID. If other is supplied, check if other matches thing.
Tests if subject is a cultist. Subject may be a /mob or /datum/mind.
True if number is a number that is not nan or an infinity.
Connects either a list or variadic arguments with "/" and cleans up multiple joins.
join_url("a", "b", "c") => "a/b/c"
join_url(list("a", "b", "c")) => "a/b/c"
join_url("https://some.tld/", "/cats", "", "//dogs") => "https://some.tld/cats//dogs"
Get the client associated with key text if it is currently connected
Adds a player's last words to the legion's pool. origin
can be a living mob, a mind datum, or a brain.
Triggers a sequence of "recalls" on legion mobs in connected z-levels, representation a mass retreat, exodus, etc.
There is a 0.1 second delay between each mob being yoinked for added flair.
Triggers a warp effect and relocates the mob to destination, if provided, or deletes it.
Creates a warp effect on the given target turf.
Returns the elements of list that are of type path. If strict, disallows subtypes
Convert list to a map by calling handler per entry. Map may be supplied as a reference. Handlers should implement a no-params clear.
Entry handler for list_to_map. Produces a "name"=ref map, overwriting duplicate names in encounter order.
Entry handler for list_to_map. Produces a "name"=ref map, suffixing a count to name for duplicate names.
Create a new random simple coin at loc and return it.
Pads the matter of padding onto the start of text until the result length is size
Pads the matter of padding onto the start of text until the result length is size
Randomly chooses a legion message to broadcast.
Returns string.
Sample t(0..1) into a quadratic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker.
Sample t(0..1) into a cubic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp2.
Sample t(0..1) into a quartic binomial polynomial. Generally this is useful for shaping rand() distribution. see tools/polyvis.html for a parameter picker. More expensive than poly_interp3.
Remove and return the last element of the list, or null.
Returns the first element from the list and removes it from the list
Starts the profiler.
Queue datum D for garbage collection / deletion. Calls the datum's Destroy() and sets its gc_destroyed value.
Returns random hex of char length nibbles
Null, or a client if thing is a client, a mob with a client, a connected ckey, or null
Ensures frequency is a whole odd number between low and high
Null or a client from the list of connected clients, chosen by actor if actor is valid
Handles the loop of sending a fax to all machines matching the department tag. Returns TRUE
if at least one fax machine successfully received the fax. Does not include sending faxes to admins.
Reagents have the following vars, which coorelate to the vars on the standard scent extension: scent, scent_intensity, scent_descriptor, scent_range To add a scent extension to an atom using a reagent's info, where R. is the reagent, use set_scent_by_reagents().
Displays a legion message through all radios in the given z-levels.
Returns a Fisher-Yates shuffled copy of list, or list itself if in_place.
Non-blocking sleep that allows server state to advance while the caller waits for something to be complete, or to pause its own behavior to be neighbourly
without the type of thing (or thing if it is a type) included.
without abstract types included.
Converts some number of deciseconds to a user-readable string split into time measurements from seconds to years.
Returns a new list with only atoms that are in typecache L
Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list
without abstract types included.
Real time in deciseconds the server process has been active
Duck check to see if text looks like a ckey
Duck check to see if text looks like a key
Creates a weakref to the given input. See /weakref
's documentation for more information.
Roll a Y sided die X times, producing either a sum result or list of rolls.